Thursday, November 28, 2013

Sky of love, with you my moon!


“Happiness lies for those who cry,  those who hurt,  those who have searched and those who have tried.  For only they can appreciate the importance of people who have touched their lives.”  

You are the moon and I am the star underneath the sky of love, sharing precious moments of togetherness, now and forever. The galaxy and other planets are witnesses to our undying love, an unconditional love ... which knows no barriers of time, space and distance. I love you now and forever.   

It is not easy to say “I love you”  if you don't really mean it.  It is not easy to say “I miss you” when you don't really miss or even care.  It is not easy to fool the other being, more so with yourself.  Express and show what you mean from your heart while time is still yours to live life with no regrets.  

Nothing last forever but my love for you is now and forever.  

It is loving someone that makes one happy, forget the hurts.

If you are just an option to  someone then find the one who makes you a priority.  Never allow others to take you for granted because it hurts.  

Love is a journey and I choose to travel with you,  now and forever.   

                                                                  Mhargz GV         

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