Monday, December 9, 2013

My love for you is never a waste of time, never!


I love you and we share the same language of love.  You and I will make it through the years.

Whatever you do or wherever you are,  just remember someone loves you so much,  and that someone is me.  Fiercely,  I love you.

My love for you is like a burning fire.  It will only mellow down with your kisses.  I need you.

You and I are meant to be because we love each other,  feel the same feelings and share the same language of love.   Remember,  I love you more than anyone else.  Someday you will realize,  my love for you is never a waste of time.  I miss you more each day.

Silence is sometimes your attitude,  but remember,  your silence takes you to my love and care.  I love you with passion and you can feel it.  Really feel it.

                                                                       Mhargz GV        

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