Friday, February 7, 2014

I choose you alone


Of all the world I choose you alone;
Will you allow me to sit in beside you
My heart is as a pen in your hand;
You cause me to be either glad or sad.

Save what you will, what will have I?
Save what you reveal, what do I see?
Out of me you grow a thorn or a rose;
I small roses now, and pull out thorns.

If you keep me as I am, I am;
If you change me, I'm changed.
In the glass where you colour me,I'm who?
Why is my Love or hate?

You were first, and last you shall be;
Make my last better than my first, do.
When you're hidden, I'm faithless;
When you're visible, I'm faithful.
I'm nothing, except what you've bestowed;


                                                         Mhargz GV   

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