Friday, February 28, 2014

Love is the bridge.


At the optimum of your being, when the intensity is total, when you are not holding anything back, when you dance with abandon, when you sing so totally that the singer disappears in the singing, you simply become the energy called love, then patience, simply a difficult task,   might be as in your voice in hurry , but yet I need.  

You cannot have East without having West.  And you cannot have night without having day. And you cannot have summer without having winter. 

We have to accept the life in its totality. There is a certain rhythm, there is a polarity,  is it a polarity that we need love and to remain patient even the beloved also needs, if it is so,  is it not a crime to nature, to keep the burning quite ,it’s a holy creation , to love , to make love passionate out of love desires , why to keep calm when two needs it.

Love is the bridge which joins you to the divine.


                                 Mhargz GV 

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