Sunday, March 23, 2014

Dream in the arms of love


Two things define you,  your patience when you have nothing,  and your gratitude when you have everything.

"The ecstasy of divine love
Is ever fresh like the breeze
The breeze which comes from the innocent smile of beloved
The flowers which bloom from the lips are rare and lovely
The hues are special, the aroma is special
Get trapped in the heart of flower
Go into deep slumber
Free from the worldly pain
dream and dream in the arms of love get the comfort of yonder heaven."

"I have travelled from Mars to lay down on the lap of Venus.

I passed by the moon on the way that told me to share with you
a handful of love filled with moon dust.

Do accept it my love and keep it close to your bedside where you can reach it 

So that I can light up your dreams in the shadows of the dark night."

                                                                      Mhargz GV

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