Wednesday, March 12, 2014

It is hard to be strong when you miss someone.


I’m not Shakespeare to write about you.  I am not Picasso to paint you.  I am just yours who wants to say “I always need you.”

A whiff, memories like fragrance,  a faint bouquet of scented arrogance, mystique that appeals evoking the olfactory pervading the mind, lingering, purring breaking the silence, embarking on journey sensuous, the rhapsody tugging at heartstrings, a name on my lips hypnotic, the thoughts feelings, I surrender the aroma allures.

Open to me, so that I may open. Provide me your inspiration so that I might see mine.
You think I'd be strong enough to make it through and rise above when the rain falls down.  But it’s so hard to be strong when you've been missing somebody so long.


                                        Mhargz GV

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