Sunday, March 23, 2014

Sometimes we love or even hate


Sometimes we cry or sigh
Sometimes we smile or laugh
Sometimes we miss or yearn
Sometimes we need or want
Sometimes we long for passion
Sometimes we feel lonely or empty
Sometimes we kiss or hug
Sometimes we like or dislike
Sometimes we love or even hate
But during those times and in between sometimes
We love each other like no other. 

 Our love is beyond compare,
A journey in the banks of love, 
A travel in the train of love. 
A walk under an umbrella of love
To the lost horizon
To the blue lagoon
To somewhere in time
To a love affair like no other

A love in search for the lost Eden
The paradise
The magic
The rainbow
The moonlight
The stars and the moon
The rain and sunlight
The air,  our oxygen of love
Hoping against hope to find our heaven together
Only to find out we are each other’s heaven here on earth.

You are the feather of my angel in our heaven here on earth.
I love you my angel,  my yar and only love
I love you darling not because we need each other
but because we belong to each other. 
Not only soulmates
but we share heaven on earth,
our passion and ecstasy.
And above all,  LOVE is our only language.

My world is in your heart.  You should know me by now.

Love changes everything it touches!


                                          Mhargz GV   

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