Saturday, May 24, 2014

Someone whose absence makes you feel incomplete


It changes when one needs the change, see always from the eyes of love, not the naked eyes, as there is water always there and sometimes washes the reality and show you the unseen.

I've seen the flower petals dancing on the sound of your heartbeats.  I've heard the moon praying in the sacred altar of your soul. As the soul, my soul has falling dancing the sacred silence of our souls.

I am you and you are me. I long to be cherished prisoners in each other. Our longings are the links between that silence and void, come let us fly into our own selves and hide from our own sights.

Someone whose silence is more eloquent than speech
Someone whose actions are louder than  words
Someone whose presence brightens your spirit
Someone whose absence makes you feel incomplete.


                                               Mhargz GV 

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