Sunday, March 30, 2014

Close your eyes and feel my love


Sometimes the person that makes you the happiest is the same person that hurts you the most.

Close your eyes and you feel directions slowly.
And with a passionate kiss, I'm holding to your caresses.
Seductive look, thirsty mouth of love, smell of pleasure, desire to have you!
I lose myself in your mouth, warming up in your hugs, inspiring me in your desires.
Handing me the fantasies, I feel your warm hands sliding down my body, your panting.
I feel my body shake and I delirious with pleasure!
Wild love! irresistible, passionate, tender and
affectionate with wanting more and  more.  I love you!


                             Mhargz GV    

Endless love, feeling your kiss.


It’s a love, endless, feeling your kiss, tenderness, you are quivering due to my loving fingers touching you everywhere dear! It’s the emotions in a regularity.

The flight of your thoughts has consumed this earth,
The wings of your search are flapping to go yonder
The smoky future with all its sorrows, hides its fate,
 The burning light in the heart is light for your night.

There is a language older by far and deeper than words.
It is the language of bodies,  of body on body,  wind on snow,
rain on trees,  wave on stone.
It is the language of dream, gesture, symbol, memory.

The truth of me never going,  to remain in your heart always beside you, 
just need you to feel.

I will be of care with my faltering steps unknown to you my entries and exists.

When we are afraid of losing something we are then too attached!
Let go  of people,  places,  things. 
What is real is within, for me my real within is my love, only love,  I love you!

The best thing we can model for ourselves, our children and  one another is to love with no expectation, but your love is weak , I need you practically.   

 Are You Giving Birth To Your Dreams? I Am

I live in dreams of yours darling
Spring has sprung let new birth emerge!!!
Celebrate smile & be HAPPY!

The First Stage of Love: Attraction.
The Law of Attraction states ‘To be attractive, you have to be authentic.’ What makes a person attractive? The wisdom traditions tell us that attraction first and foremost comes from naturalness. Nothing is more beautiful than naturalness.


                                  Mhargz GV    

If life is an illusion


If life is an illusion I'd conjure it up myself, a little bit of sunshine with a little bit of rain, the earth then joyous in flowers laugh away, a sight so glorious winter keep away.

Flesh bands with flesh heart murmurs to heart
Gathering glimmering of thoughts
The foaming waves giggle, gurgle 

My shadow self is wandering in the dim lit streets of your thoughts.
The clouds descent to share my inner stormy emotions to carry back to the sky
And recite as hymns of love!
The nymphs and angles stuck in awe, they smile and search for my shadows in the illusionary dreams of "love"!

When the showers of your love fall on my burdened heart,
A little stream of quietness flows in me through veins.
Then my mind is freed from stress and heart is filled with extreme happiness.

When the breeze of your love touches the strings of my heart,
A sweet melody is created to make my mind lively and fresh.
Then I feel myself elevated from the life of worry and fret.
In the misty moonlight, your calm face half lit the moving shadows of wandering clouds brought a serene beauty on your marble face. I plunge my gaze into the shell of your thoughts thrilled to see and hear only my name "Yar"graffiti and echo!


                             Mhargz GV

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Skies of love

I would fall a thousand times into the deep beauty of your soul because I knew you have taken a piece of my heart and made it your home.  Amor,  I would fly a thousand skies just to rest my soul beside your soul.

You pulled my heart from grave of my life and put me into skies of love, my flight of this is an unknown beauty.

Your boiling love made my vapor spreading the skies, resting on mountains and as carpeted snow on this lap of valley.
Our souls moan
Our hearts weep
Our bodies cry

Our squeezes and embraces pouring life into our entwined breaths. The worlds we live froze the times on earth in our plays of love.


                                     Mhargz GV