Sunday, July 27, 2014

I love your soul


I fell in love with her soul. Never mine eyes have seen their but my soul feels

Today! I'm this crazy desire no longer wake up wanting to flee, running inside of my dreams of you feel so ... the intensity of my heart I realized that in the dream, it's still a safe place to stay without walls, without fears. Is a perfect place for us to love each other.

                                                           Mhargz GV   

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Speak from the heart with conviction when you say I LOVE YOU.


“ Any person can say that they love you.   Only a few will actually prove it”,  one of my shared posts.

Kumar Satish, a friend,  commented " Now a days love word become very ordinary and lost their true meaning" and I pondered on it . Further,  Lucy Dias commented,   “Anyone can say I love you and anyone can do stuff to prove they love the other, but true love will always be felt by the others heart regardless of what it's done and said.”

In Social Media,  Facebook for one,  you can read comments like “I love you”  with matching heart icon or “I miss you” with a sad face. I commented before that missing is part of loving, and a friend rejoined,  what in particular do you miss?  The personality or the persona or what?  I replied,  I miss the interaction between friends. He replied,  there is no missing … it is just missing the missingness.  There is nothing to miss because missing is nothing.

I for one seldom utter I love you or I miss you,  unless otherwise I truly feel it.  It would be unfair to say I love you or I miss you when you don’t believe in it or you don’t really feel it at the moment.   If you say those words without meaning,  then you are just fooling yourself or the other person.  Say what you mean or mean what you say.  Listen to your heart,  speak from the heart with conviction.  As I have said to one of my subordinates before,  you have to believe in your product before you go out and market those pre-need plans.

In one of my comments l wrote,  I LOVE YOU becomes a lip service.  You utter it without the true sense of the word.  Maybe it is the in thing or the norm or the standard or just a sense of belonging,  but it should never be written or uttered or spoken if and when,  you don’t really feel it.  Honesty is still the best policy.

In some of my quotes posted,  I once used as signature “Love and Smile”,  “Because I love you”, or “Smile somebody loves you”.  But those signatures goes to any places,  any person or group of people you don’t even know .  Yes,  they are your followers,  but do you really love them?  Yes there are different kinds of love,  but still it appears as a lip service or just the heck of it or just to put an impact or effect on your post.  Is it really necessary?  Is it becoming of you?  Eventually,  I went back to “heart to heart” because I believe it has more meaning and the truth.  I think the message comes from my heart to the hearts of people out there.  You are not fooling anyone nor you are playing with feelings and emotions.  There is no sense of guilt there.

Yes,  saying I LOVE YOU sometimes becomes ordinary,  no meaning even if your intention is to spread love,  but some will never feel its impact.  And yes,  true love will be felt,  whatever you say or do.  It depends upon the heart, mind and soul,  it depends upon the perspective/feelings of the giver and the receiver of I LOVE YOU.  If you hear it back,  consider it a bonus or a gift or a miracle, then cherish it.

When was the last time I said I LOVE YOU?

A buzzing insight from a buzzing heart.
                                                  Mhargz GV   

Saturday, July 19, 2014

The art of letting go


Easier said than done.

There is always that time of the year when you think and feel the whole world is against you.   You think that everything is topsy turvy or upside down.  That everything is blown out of proportion.  No matter how you try your best to remain positive,  it is there and gives you problems and heartaches  beyond your control.  Problems that affects your whole being,  state of mind and challenges your strength to carry on.  Belittles your feelings and emotions and makes you feel empty,  incomplete,  unwanted or unappreciated.  The feeling of being dumped upon and just left in a corner without taking into consideration your emotions.   Feelings are everywhere yet taken for granted,  ignored and  left you  out of nowhere,  alone and lonely.

Sometimes you feel used and abused by people closer to you.  You give your time,   precious moment,  undivided attention.  You give your best self out of love and affection,  you give your all just to prove how much you care and love.  You give your trust and commitment only to find out you were never part of their lives.   So painful and  makes you suffer and cry in silence,  like you never cried before.  That feeling of emptiness and why the time of the year.  Why it happens during a certain month? It becomes a pattern,  a way of life, a deja vu over and over again.

In a relationship,  few months you feel the tons of love and care,  of being wanted,  needed and longed for.  While still on the process of enjoying the moment,  thinking how blessed and lucky you are,  thinking that finally  someone  makes your life magical,  all of a sudden it disappears slowly and gently like a wind.  Slowly a realization came with a rush,  a bad dream,  a dream  now a reality.  The passion,  the time,  the presence slowly changes along with the seconds,  minutes,  hours and days.  All of a sudden you realize you were all alone in an empty chair of withered roses.  Roses were gone and you only felt the thorns that hurts so much of you.  Thorns that slowly pricked your heart,  mind and soul.

Suddenly you realize people around are never meant to stay forever.  They came with a purpose,  a reason and a lesson for a lifetime.  It depends upon your heart who could stay in your life.  It depends now on you  yet they opted to go, not even a sweet goodbye.  Just the lingering sound of silence,  a deafening silence.

Learn to let go of things and people,  let them move on without you,  let them be what they want to be.  We have to admit that we desire for their own happiness even if it meant we are not included anymore or will never be a part of their happiness.

Love and life is a journey and a relationship.  What counts most is the journey not the destination.  To enjoy fully the present moment,  here and now.  Accept and embrace it,  whether it gives pain or joy,  love or hate,  tear or laughter.  Life is what we make it,  life is what we create  and if those people you love choose to leave, let it be,  let it flow like river Nile,  because no matter what you say or do,  if they really want to go, we could never stop them anymore.  No matter how we beg them to stay,  it’s their choice and decision.  It would be an exercise in futility  if we hold on and cling to them.  You only end up hurt and frustrated.

Learn to let go of your feelings and emotions.  Learn to let go of people and things.  Embrace reality and individuality because life is just an empty dream,  empty without people we want to share or care. Let go of them,  the sooner the better to avoid the agony of letting go. 

Let go!
                                                      Mhargz GV   

Boundless is truth


Truth is boundless, you can’t practice it. You can only prepare yourself for its happening. Preparation is very simple - remain open and receptive to all possibilities without any fear and bigotry.

I dived in the darkness of night ~ lo surfaced in the brightness of morning!


                                                    Mhargz GV   

Friday, July 18, 2014

First LOVE never dies???


My friend Jazz posted "First love never dies but true love can bury it."

Love indeed is a very sweet and interesting topic especially if you are in loved. Even a song goes “it is the loveliest night of the year!” This could mean a honey moon stage. When I say honey moon stage this does not only pertains to sexual encounter after your marriage or for some it’s pre marital.  So they say,  loveliest nights or moments because one is in loved.

Going back to first love I think this is sometimes confused with first relationship, whatever! Every time I read this I often revisit my first or second, and just think or evaluate it.  Then I realized and asked myself, what was there in the first or second love? What happened? Why I could not feel the love they said never dies? Where was love then?

Yes I sometimes think about it but it could be just an infatuation, or a kind of feeling you think it was love! Just a childish thing,  or feeling or attraction perhaps.  Naturally it would die along with the passing of time. It dies a natural death,  then it is not first love.

Love affair to remember could be with a relationship, the true sense of the word: an interaction. With fights or jealousies,  with hurts or pains,  with lovers escapades or call it dates or all those feelings you never felt before. But if there was none or no deep exchange of conversations or hugs and kisses then there was no relationship at all.   It could not be considered as first love or even a first relationship. You have to feel the love or experience a kind of love that is really one, true or real love before you can say my first love!

If it is really a first love which means one true love then it can never be buried by another true or unconditional love. Maybe we can say first relationship can be buried by another relationship. This is dependent on situation or circumstance beyond your control.  Then it buries the first relationship,  but never the love.

There is only love, one love and love never ends, never dies. Love is love. It is on the air, love is to be shared or you give it without hearing it back. You simply love and love and love over and over again!  Then first love never dies because it lives on and on and on.  When you fall in love again,  or in another relationship,  love is there and only in another form.  It never dies and could never be buried by another love,  because there is ONLY ONE LOVE, AN EVERLASTING LOVE.

Just sharing a kind of buzzing feeling from a buzzing heart.
                                                     Mhargz GV       

Love is a journey and a relationship.


It takes two to TANGO! As well as LOVE

Love is the essence of our being, the reason of everything we do. Love is the sweetest sound you want to hear like a drumbeat in your ears. Only three simple words “I love you” but it means everything.

Sometimes when you are so much in love you become possessive, jealous, a stalker,  mad or like crazy begging for love, begging for time and affection. But is it necessary to run after the love of your life?  Is it not proper to give them space to move or breath awhile out of your embraces?

Every one needs time to be alone, time for friends, time to be away from  a suffocating relationship. Time to breath and some space.  Yes, some space out of a rigid or boring life of negative and selfish emotions. Time to say,  oh my love,  give me some space to move,  to breath,  to be alone for awhile,  and think things over and over again.

Allow me to share some of Leo Buscaglia’s love quotes from Living, Loving & Learning.

“There are no formula and no books to memorize on becoming. I only know this:   I exist, I am,  I am here,  I am becoming,  I make my life and no one else makes it for me.   I must face my own shortcomings,  mistakes,  transgressions.  No one can suffer my non-being as I do,  but tomorrow is another day, and I must decide to leave my bed and live again.  And if I fail,  I don’t have the comfort of blaming you or life or God.”

“Life is a great river,  and it will flow,  no matter what you do or don’t do.  We can decide to flow with the river, and live in peace and joy and love,  or we can decide to battle it,  and live in agony and despair.   But the river doesn’t care.   Life doesn’t care.  In either case,  all of our streams run into the same sea.   It’s up to you.”

Some quotes about love:

Relations never leave each other, or never break,
They just sometimes sit silently
Deep in each other’s heart saying
"I am still here,  are you there?"

So you’re one and one but you’re two and you’re together.  You’re  an “I”,  He’s an “I” and you are together an “us.”

“Give your hearts,  but not into each other’s keeping,  for only the hand of Life can contain your hearts.  Stand together and yet not too near together for the pillars of the temple,  in order to hold the temple up,  stand apart.  The oak tree and cypress do not grow in each other’s shadow.” Khalil Gibran

“Sing and dance together and be joyous,  but let each one also be alone.” Khalil Gibran

“Let’s communicate,  let’s talk,  let’s let it happen.”  But it doesn’t happen in someone else’s shadow.  There you wilt,  you forget who you are,  you lose you and if you’ve lost you,  you’ve lost the most essential thing you have.

Sharing is my passion.  A buzzing heart speaks about love

     Mhargz GV       

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Unheard melodies are sweeter, my dearest love.


She held on to the threads, weaving the strands through the patterns of fate, one day the fabric of life unraveled itself.

"Heard melodies are sweet but those unheard are sweeter."

"I loved you even before you touch your own body, hearing your voice, was my soul, who had an encounter with your soul! And I just loved you. "but you hide out yourself from your lover !

"The heart chooses, the soul finds and the body indulges in a ridiculously perfect."


                                               Mhargz GV