Sunday, July 29, 2012

A heart to heart QUOTES on LOVE

My love for you is like the fresh early morning dew.  No matter how far,  no matter how we miss each other,  no matter how we sometimes have love quarrel,  love will flourish and flow like a river.   I love you,  sweetheart,  just the mere thought of you makes me quiver …. you really mean so much to me.  Loving each other through ups and downs spelled the difference.

Heart to heart, MGV (^_^) ( *.*) :) ♥♥♥

People are often unreasonable, illogical and self centered;
Forgive them anyway.

If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives;
Be kind anyway.

If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies;
Succeed anyway.

If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you;
Be honest and frank anyway.

What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight;
Build anyway.

If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous;
Be happy anyway.

The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow;
Do good anyway.

Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough;
Give the world the best you've got anyway.

You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and your God;
It was never between you and them anyway.

Mother Teresa

Heart to heart, MGV (^_^) ( *.*) :) ♥♥♥

Oh, sweetheart,   why can't this heart take a break for a while and think of other matters,  instead of YOU?  You are my oxygen, the every breath I take.   No words from you makes my heart beat even faster,  wondering where you are?  Thinking of you every single minute makes me jump into conclusion,  that YOU ARE REALLY A PART OF ME AS LIFE ITSELF.  I love you and will never stop loving you,  that is a promise.

Heart to heart, MGV (^_^) ( *.*) :) ♥♥♥

I love you!  You don't know how much I love you.   Oh,  so sweet words coming from you makes me breathless.   Those are music to my ears  because it comes from the one I love,  the love of my heart!   Only you can really make me feel like I am in heaven.   Only you!!

Heart to heart, MGV (^_^) ( *.*) :) ♥♥♥

Can you feel the intensity of my love,  sweetheart?   Can you feel the wondrous feeling only love can ever offer to us?  Your love really makes me shout and jump for joy.   There is something in YOU that really makes me feel this feelings that I never felt before.   I LOVE YOU WITH PASSION,  now and forever!!

Heart to heart, MGV (^_^) ( *.*) :) ♥♥♥

There is always missing in the grand picture of home.  Your love and affection really matters most.  I miss you, sweetheart,  more than you'll ever know.  I miss you because I love you with passion.

 Heart to heart,  MGV    (((((( ♥ ♥ ♥ ))))))

Your love made me believe in magic.  You ask me why,  sweetheart?  I want the magic called your LOVE.   Knowing you made me feel happy like no other.

 Heart to heart,  MGV    (((((( ♥ ♥ ♥ ))))))

You are my beacon of hope in the far distance.  You are my life and my ambition.   You change my way of thinking about love.  From selfishness to unconditional love.  Oh my sweetheart,  what is in YOU that moved my heart like mountain?  Now my heart is  full of joy and happiness merely the thought of you.

Heart to heart,  MGV    (((((( ♥ ♥ ♥ ))))))

I am floating in an elevated sense of your love.  If sometimes I keep my silence,  it means “I love you” more.  Silence is the language of my soul whenever I miss you.   It is not easy to miss  and love you because of the time and space in between us,  but we can hurdle the barriers because of LOVE.

 (((((( ♥♥♥  Heart to heart,  MGV ♥♥♥ ))))))

I don't know if you still love me.   I don't even know if you still care.  Your gift of silence is deafening me and touching the innermost fiber of my being.   It seems like only yesterday when you said you will “love me till the end of time”.   It seems like only yesterday when you said you really care.  But I still love you and will never stop loving you,  promise!  You know where to find me because I will be there for you.

Heart to heart,  MGV    (((((( ♥ ♥ ♥ ))))))

“Better visualize yourself with that person and feel as if it has become a reality. It will not change the fact that you are alone, but it will place you in a position of accepting love that is meant for you.”  (Thanks Sanjay) -  Yes,  I am alone but never lonely,  because I am with you and your love lives in my heart.

Heart to heart,  MGV    (((((( ♥ ♥ ♥ ))))))

You have  been out of touch lately sweetheart.  I respect your silence for awhile.  I respect your time to be alone but please remember,  someday if I will give you the gift of silence,  you will feel how  it hurts,  how it is to be taken for granted,  even for just a single day.   I love you,  my heart  beats for you because you are my breath, my oxygen that keeps me going for awhile.   I miss you with passion!!

Heart to heart,  MGV    (((((( ♥ ♥ ♥ ))))))

I respect your silence,  your gift of silence.  Because I love you.  Silence is all I have and I know there is a good reason for every silence of your heart.

Heart to heart,  MGV    (((((( ♥ ♥ ♥ ))))))

I love you, with all my heart, mind and soul. You are my oxygen, my every breath I take. I love you more than you will ever know. I need you because I love you ... and I promise you, that you will be in my heart, to be loved and cherished, and will remain there forever. Yes, you live in my heart, now and forever BECAUSE I LOVE YOU, ONLY YOU.

Heart to heart, MGV (((((( ♥ ♥ ♥ ))))))

Your love is so cool like the water,  and soft  blue like the sky.  You make me feel so fresh and beautiful just the way you smile at me.   I love you with passion more so when you said “you love me:”  like no other.

 (((((( ♥♥♥  Heart to heart,  MGV ♥♥♥ ))))))

You just don't know the intensity of my love and  joy everytime you send a smile icon via an sms to me,  sweetheart!   I love you now and forever with passion!

 (((((( ♥♥♥  Heart to heart,  MGV ♥♥♥ ))))))

Sometimes I wonder, why did I ever have to love you?  I have searched for the right answer,  but it all pointed to my heart.  This heart beats for only you,  feels for you and loves you with every breath I take.   Thanks so much for being a part of me as life itself.  I could not imagine what would life be without you?   I love you with passion.

((((((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥))))))
Do you ever miss me,  sweetheart?  Because I always miss you with so much intensity and it is burning inside of me.  Do I miss your kisses? Hugs?  Sweet nothings we shared?  Holding my hands,  kissing my forehead?  Hmmmmm …. everything about you makes me smile.  Why can't I stand a mere seconds, minutes or even hours of being away from you?  Sweetheart …. I love you with passion!

((((((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥))))))

“My body and mind are living in a world by which I remain unaffected, but in which I am being tried. My soul is living in a world physically away from me and yet a world by which I am and want to be affected. You are a part of that world and perhaps the nearest to me. My innermost being wants your approbation of what I am doing and thinking. I may not always succeed in getting it, but it craves for your verdict. ♥”

((((((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥))))))

“A relationship is like a rose,
How long it lasts, no one knows;
Love can erase an awful past,
Love can be yours, you'll see at last;
To feel that love, it makes you sigh,
To have it leave, you'd rather die;
You hope you've found that special rose,
'Cause you love and care for the one you chose .”

((((((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥))))))

“A million words will not bring you back,
I know because I've tried.
Neither would a million tears,
I know because I've cried. “

((((((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥))))))

It is your love factor that carries me through.

((((((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥))))))

“Love is supposed to be patient but you also have to consider how impatient the human heart can be. No surprise at all why people hurt just as easily as they can heal one another, why love remains undefinable, why hearts are broken everyday.”

((((((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥))))))

Thanks for reading

Heart to heart,


A heart to heart QUOTES in September

“You are at the center of all your relationships,  therefore  you are responsible for your self-esteem,  growth,  happiness and fulfilment.  Don’t expect the other  person to bring you these things.   You must live as if you are alone and others are the gifts offered to help you to enrich life.”

(((Heart to heart,   MGV))) ♥ 2 ♥ ♥

God’s love for us is not a love that exempts us from trials but rather a love that always sees us through trials in prosperity.

(((Heart to heart,   MGV))) ♥ 2 ♥ ♥

God tests our gratitude in poverty,  our contentment in despair,  our hope in darkness,  our faith and at all times our obedience.

(((Heart to heart,   MGV))) ♥ 2 ♥ ♥

Humor is a sweet part of our existence.
(((Heart to heart,   MGV))) ♥ 2 ♥ ♥

Laugh at your mistakes but learn from them.
(((Heart to heart,   MGV))) ♥ 2 ♥ ♥

Joke over your troubles but gather strength from them.

(((Heart to heart,   MGV))) ♥ 2 ♥ ♥

Make fun of your difficulties but overcome them.

(((Heart to heart,   MGV))) ♥ 2 ♥ ♥

Life maybe tough and difficult but the values we gain from trials make it all worth the journey.

(((Heart to heart,   MGV))) ♥ 2 ♥ ♥

“Never worry about the delay of your success compared to others.  Because construction of a palace takes more time than  an ordinary building.”

(((Heart to heart,   MGV))) ♥ 2 ♥ ♥

“If I can serve another’s need
If I can be a friend in deed
If I can lessen someone’s pain
Always be glad to share my gain.
Then I will know joy’s meaning true
Found in achieving work to do
Then I will know the reason why.”
I am smiling now. ( Soroptimist am I. )

(((Heart to heart,   MGV))) ♥ 2 ♥ ♥

Thanks for reading

Heart to heart,  


A heart to heart QUOTES on WORDS

What is your idea of peace?  Is it the absence of trouble, of conflict, of problems?  All of us have a varied definition and idea of what peace is.  Throw away your differences and look after one another and stop thinking only of ourselves or others.  We all have differences.  When we keep on checking on others' flaws, conflict arises.  Let us make ourselves a channel of peace.   Heart to heart,   MGV

Your words have the power to start fires or quench passion. Choose your words and pause before you speak to avoid regrets. Heart to heart, MGV

Choose your words wisely and speak softly while you may, unless you wish to persuade with passion. Heart to heart, MGV

Kind words do not cost much. Be gentle with your tongue. Heart to heart, MGV

Never carry a grudge.  Forgoing a revenge and daring to forgive an injury is the greatest strength ever of you.   Heart to heart,   MGV

The baggage of unforgiveness drags a person down and it is a  heavy load to carry as we travel  in a journey called life.   Heart to heart,   MGV

Reach out for others and build bridges instead of burning it with hatred and despair.  Heart to heart,   MGV

Revenge is not a good companion when you travel in life because getting even will resort to imbalance and unhappiness.  Travel light along the highway of life.   Heart to heart,   MGV

Never ignore the impact of your destiny in life, forgive and let go of the barriers.   Heart to heart,   MGV

People need loving most when they deserve it least.  I love you ever more.   Heart to heart,   MGV

When we think about offenses, trouble grows;  when we forgive, trouble goes.  Forgive and forget, yes it is difficult, but worth the inner joy and happiness.   Heart to heart,   MGV

When confronted with the issue to forgive and forget, no excuses are necessary.  Let it be.   Heart to heart,   MGV

In the final analysis, what really matters is what happens in us, not to us – greater joy and peace of mind.   Heart to heart,   MGV

Patting a fellow on the back is the best strategy  to get a chip off his chest.  Forgiveness saves the energy of anger, hatred and waste of time.  Heart to heart,   MGV

GIVING and FORGIVING are the two marks of greatness.  Be great.   Heart to heart,   MGV

Not forgiving someone makes a big deal of damage to the system it is stored than the person on which it is poured.   Forgive and forget and see a smiling YOU.  Heart to heart,   MGV

Hate someone if you want to be miserable all your life.   Come to think of it.   Heart to heart,   MGV

Amnesia is the best reaction if somebody wronged you.  Let it pass and never get even.   Choose happiness over hatred.   Heart to heart,   MGV

Dare to be yourself in the midst of adversity and crisis.  Face the world with courage.   Heart to heart,   MGV

Choose right over wrong.  RIGHT is always right.  Heart to heart,   MGV

Choose ethics over convenience.  Go out of your comfort zone.   Heart to heart,   MGV

Choose truth over popularity. Honesty is still the best policy.   Heart to heart,   MGV

Travel the path of integrity without looking back.  Face everyone with a smile.   Heart to heart,   MGV

There is no wrong time to do the right thing.  Stand for what is right even if you are alone.  Heart to heart,   MGV

Love life and observe hundreds of miracles everyday, otherwise, you will see nothing.  It is there … just find it.  Heart to heart,   MGV

Be ready to reach for your dream wholeheartedly.  You are surrounded with million of dreams if you try to see them with passion.   Seize your dream.   Heart to heart,   MGV
There is a big opportunity right where you are now.  Yes, you are standing right in the middle of your own acres of diamonds.   Heart to heart,   MGV

Life is too short and can only be experienced once in a lifetime .  But life is a precious gift  to appreciate  and always be thankful.   Heart to heart,   MGV

Transform your faith, dream and goal into reality.  SEIZE them with passion and go for it.  Heart to heart,   MGV

Unlock your infinite possibilities.  Find the master key and use it with power to open every door of your dreams.   Heart to heart,   MGV

The most important thing that you can do with your life is to quest for a dream worth chasing and when you catch it, move forward and find a bigger dream.  Dream big and go for it.   Heart to heart,   MGV

Happiness is in chasing your dreams and not reaching for it.  The right pursuit brings happiness and joy.   Heart to heart,   MGV

Facts, past and odds does not matter if you decide to reach for your dreams.  Go where you have never gone before  and claim your dream with passion.   Heart to heart,   MGV

THINK BIG because life is too short. Reach out and march off the map and dig for diamonds instead of chasing butterflies.   Heart to heart,   MGV

Nothing brings greater joy to your heart if you live your purpose in life.  Now is the time to climb the stairs  and  onto the stage to claim your trophy of dreams you deserve.  Heart to heart,   MGV

When the sun comes up you would better be running.  Let the sleeping tiger in your system roar inside out.  Live your dream!   Heart to heart,   MGV

You are special. You are unique. You are one of a kind. You are a miracle. You have hidden potentials inside of you. Unleash all your potentials and be great! Heart to heart, MGV

If you can't see the bright side, polish the dull side.  Heart to heart,  MGV

Kind words make good echoes.  Heart to heart,  MGV

Life is short, pray long.  MGV

The best things in life are not things.  MGV

No GOD, no peace.  MGV

Know God, know peace.  MGV

Life is a measure to be filled,  not a cup to  be drained.  Heart to heart,  MGV

When you are green with envy, you are ripe with trouble.  Heart to heart,  MGV

The tongue weighs practically nothing, but few can hold it.  Heart to heart,  MGV

We stand tallest when we stoop to help others.  Heart to heart,  MGV

We receive and achieve only when we believe.  Heart to heart,  MGV

“There is a fountain of youth:  it is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of the people you love.  When you learn to tap this source, you will have truly defeated age.” (Thanks Queen R)   MGV

Nobody will know to what heights or levels you can soar high.   YOU will only know if you spread your wings and fly or if you will be pushed to your limits.  Soar high to the next level.   Heart to heart,   MGV

We are all born originals so never die as copies, or xeroxed or duplicates.  Don't be a copycat, just be yourself and YOU alone.  You are one of a kind.   Heart to heart,   MGV

Be yourself because each one of us has a unique call or mission in life.   Heart to heart,   MGV

Never compare yourself with someone else.  Just do your very best and you will have satisfaction of a work well done.   Heart to heart,  MGV

You are unique,  one of a kind.  To be a copycat is to cheat yourself out of the fullness that you were born original.  Yes, be yourself.   Heart to heart,   MGV

Imitation is just an imitation.  Be original.   Heart to heart,   MGV

Be a star, a stand out and don't ever  blend in.  Heart to heart,   MGV

If a million of people say something untrue, it is still untrue.  Truth is never dependent upon consensus of belief.  Heart to heart,   MGV

It does not matter what anyone else believes;  you must believe.  Never take instruction for your personal life from a majority.   Heart to heart,   MGV

Never ever choose to quit because someone disagrees with you.  You can't please everybody, and that is a fact.   Heart to heart,   MGV

There should be something different in YOU.  If you don't stand out in a group,  if your life is not unique or different, then time to reevaluate yourself.  It is never too late to start all over again.   Heart to heart,   MGV

Giving LOVE is the greatest pleasure of the heart and receiving it back is the best treasure of the soul.   Thanks Queen R/MGV

Live life to its fullest and not just exist for the sake of living.   Heart to heart,  MGV

Listen with your heart and not just hear what others  say.  Heart to heart,  MGV

Cooperate with your mind, body and soul and not just  agree with others.   Heart to heart, MGV
status  heaven
Communicate your feelings rather than just talk it out with others.  Heart to heart,  MGV
Bloom where you are planted rather than just grow and survive the storms in life.   Heart to heart,  MGV

Invest in something rather than just spend for unnecessary things.  Heart to heart,  MGV

Create a beautiful world around you rather than just think of it.  Heart to heart, MGV

Excel in your work rather than just work for the compensation.   Heart to heart,  MGV

Give more of your talents instead of just share it with others.  Heart to heart,  MGV

Discern what is right or wrong rather than just decide on something.  Heart to heart,  MGV

Commit yourself rather than just being considerate.  Heart to heart,  MGV

Forget everything rather than just forgive.  Heart to heart,  MGV

We serve because we care rather than just help others.  Heart to heart,  MGV

Reconcile with others rather than just coexist with them.  Heart to heart,   MGV

Worship the Lord rather than just sing with the group.  Heart to heart,  MGV

Plan for the future rather than just think ahead of it.   Heart to heart,  MGV

Do things with passion.  Act on it rather than just dream forever.  Heart to heart,  MGV

Perceive what is in store for the future rather than just wait and see attitude. Heart to heart, MGV

Apply what you have learned or put action into theory rather than just read.  Heart to heart,  MGV

Reciprocate the feelings rather than just receive it half-heartedly.   Heart to heart, MGV

Focus on the priority rather than just choose among the choices.  Heart to heart,  MGV

Believe and go for it rather than just end up wishing to a star.  Heart to heart,   MGV

Help others with open arms rather than just offer an advise.  Heart to heart,   MGV

Impart your knowledge rather than just speak and tell.  Heart to heart,  MGV

Inspire others rather than just speak up.  Heart to heart,  MGV

Multiply your talents and potentials rather than just add something.  Heart to heart,  MGV

Improve for the better rather than just change.  Heart to heart,  MGV

Stretch your limits rather than just reach for it.  Heart to heart,  MGV

Pray hard without ceasing instead of just ponder on it.  Heart to heart,  MGV

Live for Jesus rather than just live for the future.  MGV
Change your word from " I " to " YOU" and you will see a happy world. Heart to heart, MGV

A SELF-CENTERED person never get anywhere because he thinks he is already there. Heart to heart, MGV

Look at your world in a broad, generous and friendly spirit, and you will find how wonderful it is full of love and joy. Heart to heart, MGV

Never borrow trouble so that you will not be in debt trouble. Heart to heart, MGV

Follow your heart and head in going to the right direction and you won't have to worry about your feet. Be there where your passion is. Heart to heart, MGV

We only have the present moment, so cherish it and make it best. Just learn from yesterday because there is no today if there is no yesterday.  Heart to heart,   MGV

Your past does not equal your future. Make today your best ever!~ Heart to heart, MGV

If you are happy, share and tell others. If you are not happy with yourself, CHOOSE TO BE HAPPY. Heart to heart, MGV

 Speak up. Speak out. Speak love. Speak in the name of love. Heart to heart, MGV

It is your choice to decide to do something now and forever to make your life from better to best. Heart to heart, MGV

Our destiny in life is determined by our choices, not by any chance. Heart to heart, MGV

In every accomplishment in life, whether great or small, starts with a decision. Decide now before it is too late. Heart to heart, MGV

Only you can hold yourself back. Spread your wings and fly. Heart to heart, MGV

Only you can stand in your own way. Move over and move forward.
Heart to heart, MGV

Always grateful for new beginnings and second chances.

Thanks for reading

Heart to heart,


A heart to heart QUOTES of Leo Buscaglia - readings

“Don't think in terms of forever.  Think of now,  and forever will take care of itself.”

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

“Grow up together,  constantly.”

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

“Expect to invest a great deal of time and energy in your relationships.  Lasting  relationships don't just happened,  they are created.”

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

“Recognize that all relationships cannot be forever.  Recognize their temporary quality,  but continue to act as if they are permanent.”

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

“Respect the other person's relationships apart from you.  If they are important to the one you care about,  they should be important to you.”

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

“Never idealize others.   They will never live up to your expectations.”

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Take your time.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

“Remove price tags from people.  Everyone has worth;  the excitement lies in the discovery of their value.”

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

“Don't be afraid of giving.  You can never give too much,  if you're giving willingly.”

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

“Don't feel as if you are required to spend your every working hours with those you love.   Move aside from time and allow them a separate  space,  too.”

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Never force anyone to do anything for you “in the name of love”.  Love is not to be bargained.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Don't be afraid.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

“Don't over analyze your relationships.”

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

“Realize that you always have choices.  It's up to you.”

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

“Remember that a relationship is a pooling of resources.   That means that with each relationship you are not only giving,  you are becoming more.”

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

“Don't allow experience to see it to harden your heart;  rather use it to become more aware and sensitive.”

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

“Don't smother each other.  No one can grow in shade.”

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

“Don't lose touch with the craziness in you.   This,  with a large dose of caring,  will assure that your relationship will never be boring.”

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

“Don't brood.  Get on with living and loving.  You don't have forever.”

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

“Don't hold on to anger,  hurt or pain.  They steal your energy and keep you from love.”

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

“There are times when you may want to give up on a relationship,  but never give up on relating.”

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

“Keep the child in you alive and playing.”

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

“See people as good and beautiful,  even when they seem to be trying hard not to appear so.”

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

“If you take time to talk together each day,  you'll never become strangers.”

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

“Value yourself.  The only people who appreciate a doormat are people with dirty shoes.”

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

“Stop going through life in self-pity,  self-blame and the “meaculpa” syndrome.   We are not as bad as we think.”

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

“Don't make the other's problems yours.  It only makes solving it twice as difficult.”

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

After an argument is over,  forget it.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

“Learn to bend.  It's better than breaking.”

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

“Don't  take yourself seriously,  but never fail to take the other person seriously.”

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

“Don't become involved in pettiness,  ego and childish hurts.  These will only serve to degrade your relationships and prevent closeness.”

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

“Watch for little irritations,  they grow into destructive monsters.  Verbalize them at once.”

“(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

“Let go of pride.   It is usually false,  creates barriers and prevents closeness.”

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

“Acknowledge the humanness of the other.”

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

“Keep examining the nature of your relationships for they are dynamic,  not static,  and are,  therefore,  changing for better or for worse.”

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

“Exercise feelings.  Feelings have meaning only as they are expressed in action.”

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

“Increase tenderness and intimacy. They are powerful source of nourishment to relationships.”

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

What a grand feeling to have a relationship with someone who is loved not only by you  but by many.  That means you've made a good choice.

Never ever miss out on the opportunity to brighten someone's day with this message... “I LOVE YOU” and you are the best thing that ever happens to me. Stay cool and be cool now and forever because you are the only reason behind my every smile.

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥)))

"The purpose of our lives is to be happy.”

"Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened.  Happiness never decreases by sharing."

We have great potential. A tree lives in a seed.  A caterpillar becomes a butterfly.

Let laughter bubbles out into your life and touch gentleness just like the spring that appears in hearty laughter.

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥)))

Nothing should be too big or too small for you to handle.  Don`t neglect simplicity.

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥)))

 Let the quality inside you grow just like the spring becomes a river and starts flowing through life.

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥)))

Everyone has a purpose in life; no cause is smaller than the other and everyone needs to be carried along.  We need one another.

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥)))

Change your conduct and take the path of acceptance. In one stroke, you can convert conflict into coordination and cooperation, and misery into happiness.-V N Chhiber

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥)))

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Heart to heart,


A heart to heart QUOTES - BUZZ 6th page

Each of us has a unique call.  We should be ourselves.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

“We  can always find someone richer than are,  poorer than we are, or more or less able than we are.  But how other people are,  what they have,  and what happens in their lives have no effect upon our call.”

(((Heart to heart,  MGV♥2♥♥)))

Don't be persuaded or dissuaded by group opinion.

Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

It does not make any difference what anyone else believes;  you must believe.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

 Many people carefully avoid discovering the secret of success because deep down they suspect the secret may be hard work.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Realize that nothing is learned while you simply talk.

Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Words without actions are the assassins of dreams.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

The smallest good deed is better that the greatest intention.

Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

History is made whenever you take the right step.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Action is the proper fruit of knowledge.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Go to the ant,  you sluggard!
Consider her way and be wise,
which, having no captain,
overseer or ruler,
provides her supplies in the summer,
and gathers her food in the harvest.

Proverbs 6: 6-8  NKJV

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

You earn respect only by action;  inaction earns disrespect.

Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Some people find life an empty dream because they put nothing into it.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Don't buy the alibi.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

I attribute my success to this:  I never gave or took an excuse.”  Florence Nightingale.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

No matter how busy you are, just remember someone is thinking of you, loving you, missing you ... now and forever!!!

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart, MGV♥♥♥)))

If you love me,  if you still care  and even if you are busy please find time to drop by and say “hello”.  We don’t know what is in store for tomorrow or it might be your last “hello”  and my last “goodbye”.  Time to let go is of the essence.

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥♥♥)))

Near the end of his life, one father looked back on how he had spent his time on earth. An acclaimed, respected author of numerous scholarly works, he said, ‘I wish I had written one less book and taken my children fishing more often.’ Time passes quickly. Many parents say that it seems like yesterday that their children were born. Now those children are grown, perhaps with children of their own. ‘Where did the years go?’ they ask. We cannot call back time that is past, we cannot stop time that now is, and we cannot experience the future in our present state. Time is a gift, a treasure not to be put aside for the future but to be used wisely in the present.” Thomas S. Monson

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥♥♥)))

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Heart to heart,


A heart to heart QUOTES - BUZZ 5th page - A

Elevate your personal standard of quality.  It is worth the try.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

To whatever you thought was good enough for now add 10 percent.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Put a stop to the unhealthy habit of pleasing others.  Don't be a people - pleaser otherwise you end up a stranger to yourself.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Time sure changes things.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Being at the right place at the right time makes all the difference.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Nine-tenths of wisdom is being wise in time.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

But keep in mind that too swift is as untimely as too slow.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

The situation that seems urgent seldom is.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Haste slows every dream and open the door of failure.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

The more haste,  the less speed.  (John Heyward)

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

What good is running if you're headed in the wrong direction?

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

It is more important to know where you're going than to see how fast you can get there.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Impatient people always get there too late.   Jean Dutound

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

One of the most frequent causes of failure is impatience in waiting for results.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

The haste of a fool is the slowest thing in the world.  Thomas Shanwell

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Impatience is one big “get-ahead-ache.”

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

There is a time to let things happen and a time to make things happen.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Life is lived in seasons,  which means we are to do different things at different time.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Do the right thing at the right time.   Chinese Proverb

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Never leave your field in spring or your house in winter.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Be a good finisher,  and never claim a victory prematurely.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

The greatest assassin of dreams is haste,  the desire to reach things before the right time.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥))) When you are through changing,  you are through.

God never sends a winter without the joy of spring,  the growth of summer,  or the harvest of fall.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

If you are not you, then who are you going to be?

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

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Heart to heart,


A heart to heart QUOTES - BUZZ 5th page

When you are through changing,  you are through.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Many people fail in life because they are unwilling to make changes.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

The fact is that correction and change always result in fruit.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

All human being is divided into three classes:

those that are unchangeable
those that are changeable
and those that cause change.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

If you find yourself in a hole,  stop digging.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

When things go wrong – don't go with them.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Stubbornness and unwillingness to change is the energy of fools.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

“He that will not apply new remedies must expect new evils.”   Francis Bacon

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

God never closes one door without opening another one.  We must be willing to change in order to walk through that new door.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

In prayer,  we learn to change. Prayer is one of the most changing experiences we will ever know.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

You cannot pray and stay the same.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Open your arms to change,  but don't let go of your values.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Your growth depends on your willingness to experience change.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Ingratitude and criticism are going to come;  they are the part of the price you pay for leaping past mediocrity.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Learn to expect ingratitude.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

The only way to avoid criticism is to do nothing and be nothing.

 (((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Those who do things inevitably stir up criticism.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

The truth always outlives a lie.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

The lip of truth shall be established for ever;  but a lying tongue is but for a moment.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Never judge people by what is said about them by their enemies.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

A critic is a man who knows the way but can't drive the car.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

It is useless for the sheep to pass resolution in favor of vegetarianism while the wolf remains of a different opinion.   Anon.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Better is better.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

The time is always right to do the right thing.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Have we demanded enough of ourselves,  and by our example,  inspired those around us to put forth their best effort and achieved their greatest potential?

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

More harm has been done by weak people than by wicked people.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

The true measure of a person is in his height of ideals,  the breadth of his sympathy,  the depth of his conviction, and the length of his patience.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

The right train of thought will take you to a better station in life.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Success is peace of mind,  which is a direct result of knowing you did your best to become the best that you are capable of being.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

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Heart to heart,


A heart to heart QUOTES - THE BUZZ 4th page - C

Rosy thoughts about the future can't exist when your mind is full of the blues about the past.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

The past is always going to be the way it was.  Stop trying to change it.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

The more you look back,  the less you will get ahead.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Ask yourself:  “If I don't take action now,  what will it ultimately cost me?”

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

When a procrastinator has finally made up his mind,  the opportunity has usually passed by.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

What you put off until tomorrow,  you'll probably put  off tomorrow too.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Wasting time wastes your life.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

“Someday”  is not the day of the week.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Doing nothing is the most tiresome job in the world.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

When you won't start,  your difficulties won't stop.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Tackle any difficulty now  - the longer you wait,  the bigger it grows.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Procrastinators never have small problems because they always wait until their problems grow up.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

In the game of life,  nothing is less important then the score at halftime.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

“The tragedy of life is not that man loses,  but that he almost wins.”

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Don't leave before the miracles happens!

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

The race is not always to the swift but to those who keep on running.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Some people wait so long the future is gone before they got there.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

The first step to overcoming procrastination is to eliminate all excuses for not taking action.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Human beings are made for love.  Underneath lies a powerful aching to love and be loved.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

The only difference between the best performance and the worst performance is the variation in our self-talk.   Dorothy and Bette Harris

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

“You are lovable still,  you are valid,  you are there.”

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

The way you treat your body,  the way you keep it smoothly functioning,  will interconnect with the way you feel about yourself.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Conscience takes up more room than all the rest of a person's insides.   Huckleberry Finn

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

“Are you in love,  or do you have some good friendships?”  A little time to ponder.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Love leads to self-confidence is when you cultivate people who help you grow.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Imagine that your mouth is a water spout.  When you open the valve ( speak ) ,  whatever comes out is an indicator of what's inside of you.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Enjoy life without complaining about what someone else has done to you.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Make suggestions,  not demands.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Focus on the future,  not the past.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

What can we do to fix the issue,  not just mull over the problem?

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

“I love you” and “I miss you” are love bloods.  Follow-up conveys the idea that the relationship and person are important to you.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Life has a way of holding us accountable.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

We bury our abilities for safekeeping even though our Creator gave them to us to use.
Unleash your potentials with gratitude.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Discover your gifts and aptitudes  Yes it is not easy but focus your attention on discovering and maximizing your strenghts.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Uncover your passions in life.  This is not easy because it involves emotions and intuitive motives,  but worth the try.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Prepare for your dreams.  The most unselfish thing you can do with your dreams is to let them inspire others to discover and follow their calling.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Forgetting in life is not always automatic.  Sometimes it has to be intentional.  You may find it helpful to create a ritual to formally bury the past,  good or bad.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

If someone has offended you,  write a note to forgive or tell off the person and then burn it in the fireplace.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Welcoming the future involves saying good-bye to yesterdays.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

"I will not say goodbye,  for goodbye is to go away,  and to go away is to forget.  All I can say is,   till we meet again.”   I love you from the bottom of my heart and you will live in my heart,  now and forever.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

I feel optimistic about the day that is unfolding.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

I am a confident decision maker and trust that I'll do the right things as I go through this day.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

I enjoy nature and feel good as I look out this window at the misty morning.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

My body is God's creation,  and I'm going to enjoy the sensations it sends me today.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

There are so many goals for the day as statements of belief,  which repeated again and again can change how we feel about ourselves.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

We become what we think about.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Each of us was created unique,  and the discovery and expression of that uniqueness is one reason we are on this planet.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Resisting conformity and developing some small eccentricities is one of the steps to independence and self – confidence.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Such a full,  peaceful reconciliation with the key figures of one's past will not be achievable for everyone,  but when it happens,  it is wonderful.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

One important rule for peace within ourselves:  Make the possible peace with your parents.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Give the best that you have to the highest you know – and do it now.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Stand for what is right,  then you win,  even if you “lose”.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

The biggest mistake you can make in life is not to be true to the best you know.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

“Keep yourself clean and bright;  you are the window through which you must see the world.”

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Pay no attention to negative criticism.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Fear is a poor chisel for carving out tomorrow.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Never respond out of fear,  and never fear to respond.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Action attacks fear;  inaction reinforces it.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Don't worry,  and don't fear.   Have faith.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Miracles begin in the heart and loving you with all my heart, mind and soul makes me grateful for such a precious gift I ever had in my life. I love you with passion!!!

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart, MGV♥♥♥)))

Thanks for reading

Heart to heart,


A heart to heart QUOTES, THE BUZZ 4th page - B

Don't think too much of yourself.  Try to cultivate the habit of thinking of others;  this will reward you.  Selfishness always brings its own revenge.  Charles Elliot

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Don't miss the plan of God by self-consumption.  Rick Renner

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

When you are on a high horse,  the best thing to do is to dismount at once.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

You can't push yourself forward by patting yourself at the back.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

“It is fine to believe in ourselves,  but we must not be too easily convinced.”  Burton Hillis

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

An egotist is his own best friend.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

“The fellow who is deeply in love with himself should get a divorce.”

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

People who boast of being self-made usually have a few parts missing.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

When days are hot and flies are thick,
use horse sense – cooperate.
This is a truth all horses know;
They learned it many centuries ago.
One tail on duty at the rear
Can't reach that fly behind the ear.
But two tails when arranged with proper craft
Can do the job, both fore and aft.

Famous poem

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

There is a charm of you that is hard to ignore.   I love you more than I can say.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

You  can't fulfill your destiny on a theory … it takes work!

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

None of the secrets of success will work unless you do.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

You are made for action.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Success simply takes good ideas and puts them to work.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

“Nothing can come of nothing.”

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

A belief is worthless unless converted to action.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

What you believe doesn't amount to very much unless it causes you to wake up from your dream and start working.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

You cannot just dream yourself into what you could be.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

“Laziness travels so slowly,  poverty soon overtakes it.”

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

I want to ride the wave of your love because you bring my life from darkness to light.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Better not to mind the thing that depresses you.  Because it only makes you weak inside and out.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

There is a lot of things you can give your time into.  Don't get stuck with the thing that ruins your day.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Smile and be happy.  Life is too short to be wasted on matters not essential.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Tell me who your best friends are, and I will tell you who you are.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

If you run with wolves,  you will learn how to howl,  but if you associate with eagles,  you will learn how to soar to great heights.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

“A mirror reflects a man's face,  but what he is really like is shown by the kind of friends he chooses.”

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

The simple but true fact of life is that you become like those with whom you are closely associate -  for the good and the bad.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Keep out of the sanction caused by those who drift backward.  E. K. Piper

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

We become like those with whom we associate.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

It is better to be alone than in the wrong company.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

In the eyes of average people,  average is always considered outstanding.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Look carefully at your closest associations,  because it's an indications of the direction you're heading.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Being decisive is essential for a successful life.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Choice, not chance,  determines destiny.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

“There is a time where we must firmly choose the course which we will follow,  or the relentless drifts of events will make the decision for us.”

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Decide to do something now to make your life better.  The choice is yours.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

“If you have the will to win,  you have achieved half your success,  if you don't ,  you have achieved half your failure.”

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

“Every human mind is a great slumbering power until awakened by a keen desire and a definite resolution to do.”

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

You can do everything you ought to do – once you make a decision.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Today,  decide on your dream.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

If you look back too much,  you'll soon be heading that way.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

“Stop looking at where you have been and start looking at where you can be.”

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Your destiny and call in life is always forward,  never backward.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Make it a rule of life never to regret and never to look back.  Regret is an appalling waste of energy.  You can't build on it.  It's only good for wallowing it.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

You are more likely to make mistakes when you act only on past experiences.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Thanks for reading

Heart to heart,


A heart to heart QUOTES - BUZZ 4th page - A

People would worry less about what others think of them if they only realized how seldom they do.  They're not thinking about you – they're wondering what you're thinking about them.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Fear can keep you from going where you could have won.  Don't let your fears steal from you and prevent you from pursuing your dream.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Most people believe their doubts and doubts their beliefs.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Said the robin to the sparrow,
I should really like to know
Why this anxious human beings
Rush about and worry so.
Said the sparrow to the robin
I think that it must be
That they have no Heavenly Father
Such as cares for you and me.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

The fact that you've failed is proof that you're not finished.  Failure and mistakes can be a bridge,  not a barricade to success.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Failure may look like a fact, but it's only an opinion.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Successful people believe that mistakes are just feedback.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

It is not how far you fall but how high you bounce that makes all the difference.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

One of the riskiest things you can do in life is to take too many precautions and never have any failures or mistakes.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Failure is the opportunity to start over more intelligently.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Experience is what you get when you are looking for something else.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Success consists of getting up just one time more than you fall down.  So get up and go on.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

The death of your dream will not happen because of a failure;  its death will come from indifference and apathy.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Failure can become a weight,  or it can give you wings.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

The only way to make a comeback is to go on.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

A mistake usually proves somebody stopped talking long enough to do something.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Success is failure turned inside out,
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are;
It maybe near when it seems so far.
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit;
It's when things seem worse
that you must not quit.


(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

I only need three (3) things in life:
sun for the day
moon for the night
and YOU for the rest of my life.
I love you with passion.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

If you are only looking out for yourself,  look out!

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

“There is nothing quite so dead as a self-centered man – a man who holds himself up as a self-made success,  and measures himself by himself and is pleased with the result.”
Wesley Huber

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

The only reason pride lifts you up is to let you down.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

You'll always have everything in life that you want if you will help enough other people get what they want.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

When a man is wrapped up in himself,  he makes a pretty small package.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

The way to the throne room in through the servant's quarters.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

One of the most powerful decisions you can make in your life is to do something for
 someone who does not have the power or resources to return the favor.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

When you give of yourself to help other people,  you cannot help but be abundantly rewarded.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

The man who believes in nothing but himself lives in a very small world.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

The best way to be happy is to forget yourself and focus on other people.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

A swelled head always proves there is plenty of room for improvement.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

“The greatest magnifying glasses in the world are a man's own eyes when they look upon his own person.”  Alexander Pope

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Egotism is the only disease where the patient feels well while making everyone else around him feel sick.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Egotism blossoms but bears no fruit.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Those who sing their own praises seldom receive an encore.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Thanks for reading

Heart to heart,


A heart to heart QUOTES - BUZZ 4th page

Almost everything we enjoy today was impossible yesterday.

((((((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥))))))

Deep inside you lives an impossible thought.  A dream longing to come true.

((((((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥))))))

There is a mission residing in you,  a special call only you can do it.

((((((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥))))))

A leader must face danger.  He must take the risk and its blame and the brunt of the storm.

((((((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥))))))

If you want to be successful,  you must either have a chance or take one.

((((((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥))))))

You can't get your head above water if you never stick your neck out.

((((((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥))))))

A dream that does not include risk is not truly worthy of being called a dream.

((((((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥))))))

If you never take risks,  you will never accomplish great things.

((((((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥))))))

It is better to be a lion for a day than a sheep all your life.  Elizabeth Kenny

((((((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥))))))

If you dare for nothing,  you need hope for nothing.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Prayer may not change all things for you,  but it sure changes you for all things.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Prayer is the stop that keeps you going.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

If God is your Father,  please call home.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

I love you with passion and distance makes no difference.  But there is this missing syndrome haunting me,  day in and day out.   If you call someone,  it is either disconnected or all lines are busy now or indisposed as of the moment.   Moment by moment,  yes, this is the moment to think for what is best in store for your buzz of love.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Successful leaders have the courage to take action where others hesitate.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

“Fear knocked at my door.  Faith answered … and there was no one there.”

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

“It only seems as if you are doing something when you are worrying.”

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Worry doesn't help tomorrow's troubles, but it does ruin today's happiness.”

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

A day of worry is more exhausting than a day of work.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

When you worry about the future,  there will soon be no future for you to worry about.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Never trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

It is all right to have butterflies in your stomach,  Just get them to fly in formation.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

What you fear about tomorrow is not here yet.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Always be on guard against your imagination.   How many lions it creates in our paths,  and so easily!  And we suffer so much if we do not turn a  deaf ear to its tales and suggestions.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Worry is like a darkroom,  because darkrooms are where negatives are developed.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

If you can't help worrying,  remember worrying can't help you either.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Worry is like a rocking chair.  It keeps you going but you don't get anywhere.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

“Don't tell me that worry does not do any good.  I know better.  The things I worry about don't happen.”

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)

Worry never fixes anything.

(((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

“Our doubts are traitors,  and they make us lose what we oft might win,  by fearing to attempt.”

 (((♥♥♥Heart to heart,  MGV♥♥♥)))

Thanks for reading

Heart to heart,  


A heart to heart QUOTES - BUZZ - 3 - C


I love my life, I love myself,  I love my world,  I love everything and I love most of all YOU.

But I am just a human being trying to work on excellence not perfection.  Trying to express what I feel at the moment.  I speak my mind,  I speak my heart and I speak ME.

When I am sad and lonely,  you will feel it.
When I am angry, you will hear it loud and clear.
When I miss you, you will feel the intensity.
When I am down and low,  you will feel my silence.
When I am jealous,  you will see my tears even in distance.
When I am happy you will see the lightning and hear the thunder.
When I feel great,  you will feel the greatness because it echoes down the valley.
When I feel I am taken for granted,  you will hear those words like a drumbeat in your ears.

I LOVE YOU,  but I want to be at least one of your priorities,  not just an option.
I am only ME,  being true to myself.  I express what I feel not to impress you, but to touch your heart from my heart. And if you don't like the way I express myself,  you
don't like me to show my feelings, my affection,  my true self or my true colors in every given situation,  then you can't handle me at my worst.  If you can't handle me at my worst,  you don't deserve me at my best,  yes,  not at all.

Because when I am in love, I shout to the whole world that “ I love you”  because that is my true, real feelings at the moment.   I own my feelings and I share my feelings.

Life goes on … if you want to take me or leave me … it is your choice, your loss and not mine.  Because I love being me,  I love myself for loving you and I love you … that makes me happy and smile ever more!!!

Heart to heart,    MGV   (((((( ♥ ♥ ♥ ))))))


1) putting my kids first
2) giving my kids confidence
3) my heart melting when my kids smile
4) wiping away the tears
5) hearing my kid's laughter is always worthwhile

Am proud to be a mom ever.  SHARE OR TAG if ever you are a proud mother like no other.

Heart to heart,    MGV   (((((( ♥ ♥ ♥ ))))))

Past is past, past is part of history and yes we learned from it but from this time on turn it over to the HISTORIANS. Live the now, the present moment with peace in our hearts!

Heart to heart,    MGV   (((((( ♥ ♥ ♥ ))))))

 just like any adventure you dont know how it will turn out but its an adventure nonetheless!

Change your mindset and it will change your entire life.

Thanks for reading

Heart to heart,


A heart to heart QUOTES - BUZZ 3 - B

Love can transform the most commonplace into beauty and splendor and sweetness and grace.

Heart to heart, MGV (((((( ♥ ♥ ♥ ))))))

Love is unselfish, understanding and kind. For it sees with its heart and not with its mind.

Heart to heart, MGV (((((( ♥ ♥ ♥ ))))))

Love is the answer that everyone seeks. Love is the language that every heart speaks.

Heart to heart, MGV (((((( ♥ ♥ ♥ ))))))

Love can't be bought,  it is priceless and free,

Heart to heart, MGV (((((( ♥ ♥ ♥ ))))))

Love like pure magic is life's sweet mystery!  

Heart to heart, MGV (((((( ♥ ♥ ♥ ))))))

LOVE is LOVE until you give it away.   I am giving it to you “sweetheart” and please take care of my heart,  take care of my love,  take care of my feelings.   It hurts when someone is only an option instead of being the priority.  But I am a risk-taker,  so I give my love to you,  only you.  Now and forever.   I LOVE YOU!

Heart to heart, MGV (((((( ♥ ♥ ♥ ))))))

"Ants never quit. That's a good philosophy. If they're headed somewhere and you try to stop them, they'll look for another way. They'll climb over. They'll climb under. They'll climb around. They keep looking for another way. What a neat philosophy - to never quit looking for a way to get where you're supposed to go." - Jim Rohn, The Ant Philosophy

Heart to heart, MGV (((((( ♥ ♥ ♥ ))))))

I have been writing my quotes, ideas,  feelings, or whatever subjects or topics close to my heart on this page.  I joined this page since day one of its creation to  support a friend,  no more no less.  I am just a human being, not perfect,  but working on towards excellence.  And everytime I write or post, it was through my judgment that someone out there feels or thinks the same way as  I do,  the very moment I posted it. I tried to make variations on my post specifically on different subjects.  Sometimes,  I inject on spiritual aspects of life.  If one way or the other, I hurt your feelings,  or I offended you or your faith whatever,  PLEASE ACCEPT MY APOLOGY … because my only intention was to share something that might be of value to others.   All I did was to reach  out to someone out there for no personal reasons attached.   Allow me to thank each and everyone,  for all your LIKES,  COMMENTS,  SHARES,  and TAGS because you added color to this page.  My special thanks to the PAGE OWNER,  FRANK COOL for the trust and confidence given to me.   If I did something or posted some negatives here, again my apologies!   No intention whatever,  but just to express what I felt being an advocate to BE FRANK AND STAY COOL at every given situation.

Heart to heart,   MGV   (((((( ♥ ♥ ♥ ))))))

Thanks for reading

Heart to heart,


A heart to heart QUOTES - BUZZ 3 - A

“Those who joyfully leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.”

Queen R/Heart to heart, MGV (((((( ♥ ♥ ♥ ))))))

Worries end where faith begins.

Heart to heart, MGV (((((( ♥ ♥ ♥ ))))))

No one wants to die.  Even people who wants to go to heaven doesn't want to die to get there.  And yet,  death is the destination we all share.  No one has ever escaped it.  And that is as it should be, because death is very likely the single best invention of life.  It is life's change agent.  It clears out the old to make way for the new.  Right now the new is YOU,  but someday not too long from now,  you  will gradually become the old and be cleared away.  Sorry to be so dramatic but it's quite true. ( STEVE JOBS ).

Heart to heart, MGV (((((( ♥ ♥ ♥ ))))))

“Only in God we are truly safe and secure.  Anything else is false security.  Whether you are surrounded with mighty walls of stone,  a comfortable home,  abundant money,  no one can predict what tomorrow may bring.  Our relationship with God is the only security that can't be taken away.”

Queen R/Heart to heart, MGV (((((( ♥ ♥ ♥ ))))))

Cherish your friend.   Keep faith on him.    Sirach 27:17

Heart to heart, MGV (((((( ♥ ♥ ♥ ))))))

Wishing to be friends is quick work,  but friendship is a slow ripening fruit.  Aristotle

Heart to heart, MGV (((((( ♥ ♥ ♥ ))))))

Friendship is essentially a partnership.   Aristotle

Heart to heart, MGV (((((( ♥ ♥ ♥ ))))))

A faithful friend is beyond price,  no sum can balance his worth.   Sirach 6:15

Heart to heart, MGV (((((( ♥ ♥ ♥ ))))))

“The better friends you are, the straighter you can talk,  but while you are only on nodding terms,  be slow to scold.”

Heart to heart, MGV (((((( ♥ ♥ ♥ ))))))

The first duty of  love is to listen.  Paul Tillich

Heart to heart, MGV (((((( ♥ ♥ ♥ ))))))

The greatest tragedy in life is not that men perish,  but that they ceased to love.  Anon

Heart to heart, MGV (((((( ♥ ♥ ♥ ))))))

Love is always open arms.  If you close arms without love,  you will find that you are holding only yourself.   Leo Buscaglia

Heart to heart, MGV (((((( ♥ ♥ ♥ ))))))
 "He who rejects change is the architect of decay."  Harold Wilson
Heart to heart, MGV (((((( ♥ ♥ ♥ ))))))

Better to be a lion for a day than be a lamb all your life.  (Edith Garde thanks)

Heart to heart, MGV (((((( ♥ ♥ ♥ ))))))

God's blessings may come as a surprise, and how much you receive depends on how much your heart can believe.  (Queen Roche)  Mark 9:23

Heart to heart, MGV (((((( ♥ ♥ ♥ ))))))

Love is like magic and it always will be.  For love still remains life's sweet mystery.

Heart to heart, MGV (((((( ♥ ♥ ♥ ))))))

Love works in ways that are wondrous and strange because there's nothing in life that love cannot change!

Heart to heart, MGV (((((( ♥ ♥ ♥ ))))))

Thanks for reading

Heart to heart,


A heart to heart QUOTES - BUZZ 3

In the silence of your heart,  listen to the melody of goodness.  What you have done for others is the sweetest music your heart can ever hold.    Thanks Vivs D./Heart to heart,    MGV

Every hill in life is too high if we think we must climb it all at once.  But no hill is insurmountable if we take it one step forward at a time.  Life is just moving on …. forward.   Heart to heart,   MGV

No matter where you are,  no matter when  or no matter what ...
I’ll always find my way  and search for you.
Hug you tight and shower you with my kisses!!!
I love only you!  Yes,  now and forever.

Heart to heart,   MGV  (((((( ♥ ♥ ♥ ))))))

“You may not be perfect in many things, but,  many things cannot be perfect without you.”  Keep your spirit smiling!  

Heart to heart,   MGV

WALKING with love in your heart will make you smile even when nobody is watching you.

Heart to heart,   MGV  (((((( ♥ ♥ ♥ ))))))

SPREAD your wings and fly.   Keep the flame inside of you burning and achieve your dreams with passion.

Heart to heart,   MGV  (((((( ♥ ♥ ♥ ))))))
Spread out your buffet of love with a much bigger and the lavish spread ever.  Love yourself as you love others as well.  Let love be your greatest aim.

Heart to heart,   MGV  (((((( ♥ ♥ ♥ ))))))

“A woman is the full circle. Within her is the power to create, nurture and transform.” Diane Mariechild.

Heart to heart, MGV (((((( ♥ ♥ ♥ ))))))

“GROWING and learning never stop. There are no shortcuts to a purpose-driven, successful, and fulfilling life.” Let us spread our wings fully to be empowered.

Heart to heart, MGV (((((( ♥ ♥ ♥ ))))))

WALKING with love in your heart will make you smile even when nobody is watching you.

Heart to heart, MGV (((((( ♥ ♥ ♥ ))))))

No matter where you are, no matter when or no matter what ...
I’ll always find my way and search for you.
Hug you tight and shower you with my kisses!!!
I love only you! Yes, now and forever.

Heart to heart, MGV (((((( ♥ ♥ ♥ ))))))

A woman has strengths that amaze men.  She can handle trouble and carry heavy burdens.  She holds happiness,  love,  and opinions.  She smiles when she feels like screaming.  She sings when she feels like crying;  cries when she is happy and laughs when she is afraid.  Her love is unconditional!  There is only one thing wrong with her, she sometimes forgets how important she is.  Pass it on, or SHARE or TAG to every beautiful woman you know.    

Heart to heart, MGV (((((( ♥ ♥ ♥ ))))))

There is no SORRY and no THANK YOU in friendship.  Great friendship indeed.

Heart to heart, MGV (((((( ♥ ♥ ♥ ))))))

“Flowers fade, the fruits of summer fade
They have their seasons, so do we
But please promise me that sometimes
You will think of me .”

Heart to heart, MGV (((((( ♥ ♥ ♥ ))))))

Life is wonderful if you know how to live it ♥

Heart to heart, MGV (((((( ♥ ♥ ♥ ))))))

Promise yourself to be strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind,  to be too large for worry,  to be too noble for anger,  too strong for fear and too happy to permit the presence of troubles!”  

Vivs D/Heart to heart, MGV (((((( ♥ ♥ ♥ ))))))

If you can't find our God in the blessings that you have received,  find Him in the many tragedies that you've  been spared of.  God is good all the time!

Vivs D/Heart to heart, MGV (((((( ♥ ♥ ♥ ))))))

Thanks for reading

Heart to heart,


A heart to heart QUOTES - FABLE

There is a wonderful fable that tells of a young girl who is walking through a meadow when she sees a butterfly impaled upon a thorn.   Very carefully she releases it and the butterfly starts to fly away.  Then it comes back and changes into a beautiful good fairy. “For your kindness,”  she tells the little girl,  “ I will grant you your fondest wish.”  The little girl thinks for a moment and replies, “ I want to be happy.”  The fairy leans toward her and whispers in her ear and then suddenly vanishes.

As the girl grow,  no one in the land was more happy than she.  Whenever anyone asked her for the secret of her happiness,  she would only smile and say, “ I listened to a good fairy.”

As she grow quite old,  the neighbours were afraid the fabulous secret might die with her.  “Tell us, please,”  they begged, “tell us what the fairy said.”  The now lovely old lady simply smiled and said,  “She told me that everyone  no matter how secure they seemed,  had need of me!”

We all need each other.

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥)))


When I ask you to listen to me and you start giving advice,  you have not done what I asked.

When I ask you to listen to me and you begin to tell me why I shouldn’t feel that way,  you are trampling on my feelings.

When I ask you to listen to me and you feel you have to do something to solve my problems,  you have failed me,  strange as that may seem.

Perhaps that’s why prayer works for some people.
Because God is mute and He doesn’t offer advice or try to fix things.
He just listens and trusts you to work it out for yourself.

So please,  just listen and hear me.   And if you want to talk,  wait a few minutes for your turn and I promise I’ll listen to you.


(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥)))

Truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
(Legal Oath

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥)))

There is no such thing as an absolute truth -
that is absolutely true.


(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥)))

Hate, bitterness and vindictiveness are overpowering, self-defeating and intellectually as well as emotionally depleting,

Love is letting go of fear.

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥)))

If we are unable to forgive others, we cannot expect others to forgive us.

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

Smile at each other, smile at your wife, smile at your husband, smile at your children, smile at each other -- it doesn't matter who it is -- and that will help you to grow up in greater love for each other. Mother Teresa

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥)))

A man's worth is measured by how he parents his children. What he gives them, what he keeps away from them, the lessons he teaches and the lessons he allows them to learn on their own. Lisa Rogers

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥)))

Let the wife make the husband glad to come home, and let him make her sorry to see him leave. Martin Luther

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥)))

“The only lifelong, reliable motivations are those that come from within, and one of the strongest of those is the joy and pride that grow from knowing that you've just done something as well as you can do it." Lloyd Dobens

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

It’s up to us to give our relationships a chance.   There is nothing greater in life than loving another and being loved in return,  for loving is the ultimate of experiences.

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

“The important thing is to be able at any moment to sacrifice what we are for what we could become.”

Charles Dubios

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

“Being a good friend – whether to yourself, your mother, your child,  or the person sharing your bed – means first of all,  respective the integrity of the individual.”

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

“The best thing that I learned after knowing I had to give up everything,  was that all I really owned was what I was.”

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

Yes,  one can be happy,  even in impending death.

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

We must treat each other with dignity.   Not only because we merit it but because we grow best in thoughtfulness.

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

Treat others with the same warmth and consideration you need and see what happens.

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

Each of us is responsible for creating an environment of warmth and consideration for those we love.

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

“Affirm that you can do it.  I DESERVE TO SUCCEED AS MUCH AS ANYONE ELSE.”

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

“BELIEVE that somehow, some time,  somewhere, through someone’s help you can achieve your heart’s highest goal.”

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

Commit yourself to a dream.

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

DARE to try.

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

DARE to love.

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

DARE to make a commitment.

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

DARE to take a risk.

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

Educate yourself.  Don’t be tempted to avoid hard years of serious study.  Knowledge is power.

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

Find the talent,  the possibilities, the ways and means.

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

A giving attitude is the secret to successful living.

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

Hope is holding on.  It’s never giving up.  It’s never quitting.

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

“If you want to change the world,  don’t wait for the world to change;  just look at the old world with new eyes.”

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥)))

When all is said and done,  you are the instrument.

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

When you respond to what’s going on – your self is involved.

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

Through our work we help others,  and grow ourselves.

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

A true story –

Sometime ago,  at the Seattle Olympics,  nine athletes,  all mentally and physically challenged,  were standing on the start line for the 100 M race.  The gun fired and the race began.   Not everyone was running, but everyone wanted to participate and win.  They ran in three,  a boy tripped and fell,  did a few somersaults and started crying.  The other eight heard him crying.  They slowed down and looked behind them.  They stopped and came back.  All of them...

A girl with Down’s Syndrome sat down next to him,  hugged him and asked, “feeling better now?”

Then all nine walked shoulder to shoulder to the finish line.

The whole crowd stood up and applauded.  And the applause lasted a very long time.

People who witnessed this still talk about it.  Why?

Because deep inside us we know that the most important thing is life is much more than winning for ourselves.

The most important thing in life is to help others win.  Even if that means slowing down and changing our own race.

“ A candle loses nothing if it is used to light another one.”


 (((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

Silence does not mean yes.  Sometimes it means I’m tired of explaining to people who don’t even care to understand.

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

Others may say “bad things” about me.  I don’t need to go around and explain myself.  Because people who associated with me,  spent our times together or bonded together,  will never believe you.   Simply because I have taken cared of my credibility and most of all my values.

“We make our world by the words we’s a different world today than it was when we were young many moons ago.”

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

“The people who mean something to your life are not rated “the best”,  don’t have the most money,  have not won the greatest prizes.  They are the ones who care about you,  take care of you.  Those who,  no matter what,  stay close by.”

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

Applause dies away!
Trophies gather dust
Winners are soon forgotten.

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

“Junk the junk food of your mind.  To keep hope alive,  to be a creative imaginer,  you have to throw out the tremendous load of junk food that we feed into our mind and emotions.”

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

You must keep a sense of humor and be able to laugh at your self.

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

Make it happen.  You can make it happen if you only believe and manage.
(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

You make it happen.  Do you want your dream to come true?  Then make it happen!

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

“What do I really want to accomplish?”  “If I continue the way I am,  will I get to where I really want to go?”  If I get there will I be happy?  “And will that really fulfil me at my deepest level?”

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

“Trade-off.  You must be willing to trade-off.  That means that you will have to decide what you will give up in order to keep what you’ve got.”

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

Anybody whose life is static is dead.

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

Unlock some human values you never experienced before – faith,  hope,  and love.  Let these values be the driving force propelling you toward true success.

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

‘’Quit complaining because life isn’t as nice as you want.  Look at what you have left,  never at what you’ve lost.  Quit remembering all those negatives,  haunting memories.”

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

“Persevere:  don’t give up.  Tough times never last,  but tough people do.”

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

You can’t have your way all the time.

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

“Overlook and overcome.   Do you have a problem that is too big that you don’t know how to handle it?  Then maybe you need to overlook and look over.”

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

If you love me,  really love,  you will find me no matter what and no matter when.  Because you already know where to find ME.   I love you, my babe!  So much!

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥))

Thanks for reading ...

Heart to heart,


A heart to heart QUOTES in some readings 2

We can only live TODAY so work,  relax,  love and pray and above all enjoy.

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥)))

Life is built on RELATIONSHIP but not on achievement or acquisition.  Don't forget that everybody needs SOMEBODY.  Those that you despise today are the same people that you will meet tomorrow! Keep loving♥

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥)))

Other people said they have seen angels,  but I have met YOU and you are enough.

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥)))

I would fly you to the moon and back if you’ll be my love.

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥)))

I love you and those three words have my life in it.

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥)))

What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥)))

I’d like to run away from you but if you won’t come and find me, I would die missing you.
(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥)))

When you love someone all your wishes start coming out.

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥)))

The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is to love and be loved in return.

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥)))

Soul meets soul on lover’s lips.  Let me kiss you goodbye.

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥)))

“Sometimes life takes you on a detour.  Use these times to see things you would have missed had you remained on your planned route.  You may find it to be among the best parts of your journey.”

(((Heart to heart, MGV♥2♥♥)))

Love is the essence of life. Treasure and cherish it.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2 ~♥~♥~

An idea lives on unless you share it with passion!!!

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2 ~♥~♥~

I can’t help but LOVE YOU when you said you love me!  Now that I love you deeply you ignore me with your deafening silence.  But silence my dear,  is the language of my soul.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2 ~♥~♥~

I would rather be a devil’s advocate per se,  than to tolerate the wrong doings or verbal abuses of someone.  I will never please someone by being silent on issues that bothers and affects me.

If you haven't found it yet, keep looking.  Don't settle.  As with all matters of the heart,  you'll know when you find it.  And, like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on.
 ~ Steve Jobs ♥♥♥

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2 ~♥~♥~

Love is all there is and it leads us to self - confidence.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2 ~♥~♥~

I love you always and in all ways.  I think of you in every breath I take.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2 ~♥~♥~

Thanks for reading ...

Heart to heart,