Monday, August 27, 2012

A heart to heart - WEDDING MESSAGE


“We are born to love,  it is the principle of existence and its only end.”  “When two people love each other,  they don’t look at each other; they look in the same direction.”

Allow me to congratulate you ___________________  and  _______________________ , for having decided to be solemnized in the holy sacrament of matrimony. You made a decision for a lifetime and we are happy to be part of this special moment of your ceremony.  The most challenging and exciting moments of your married life starts now.  Enjoy it,  every single  moment and cherish it together in your hearts.

Now that you are one,  it is necessary to be aware of your individuality and respect for each other.  Acknowledge the humanness of each other. Trust, respect and communication are vital ingredients for a happy marriage. Never ever attempt to change one another just to please each other.  Just be yourself loving and respecting each other.  If you take time to talk together each day you’ll never become strangers.

For the first few years of your marriage you will encounter obstacles and trials as you face your daily routines and endeavors together. You will discover some traits and behaviors that you might dislike or might see the true color of a person in times of crisis.    Remember that when you love someone you have to look beyond your differences,  beyond your imperfections ,  beyond your weaknesses.  Instead you have to support and bring out the best in each other.    When you relate with each other, sometimes arguments or misunderstanding will come into the picture but just be ready to forgive and forget  because it is really unavoidable

Remember that a relationship is a pooling of resources.  That means that with each relationship you are not only giving,  you are becoming more. Living happily ever after depends in part on what you’re after.  Whenever there are misunderstandings,  never sleep with it and fix it the soonest.  Make certain they are thoroughly over and done.  Both of you have to settle differences soonest.  “Don’t hold on to anger, hurt or pain.  They steal your energy and keep you from love.”

Congratulations!!  Increase tenderness and intimacy.  They are powerful source of nourishment to relationships. May God bless you and you are now each for the other and both for the Lord.

Thank you for reading

Heart to heart,


Saturday, August 25, 2012

A heart to heart LOVE POEM for a friend

I spent night and days thinking and deciding what to do.  I am at a crossroads right            now ... thinking if my next move will hurt someone or will drift us apart.  I came up with a  decision to be honest with myself, to be honest with someone I care for, and foremost, to  let go of my long kept emotions from my heart.

Only from the heart can you touch the sky and I wish to pour out the feelings that has long been curtailed because of fear that it might only hurt someone. But I have to face it now or it would be unfair if this feeling will never be known by the person I loved and treasured most in my life.

You think of me as one of your friends and likewise you are my friend.  But knowing you more each day made me realize that a feeling of  friendship had grown into love.  Because you are a wonderful and a beautiful person as well,  and your inner beauty   captured my heart forever.

Yes, I love you and I want you to know that.  I wish you will not be angry at me,  please don't,  because all I am saying is I have fallen for you and I will love you and will never stop loving you.

 No matter how far you are,  no matter how long it takes you, through distance and time, I'll be waiting.  I'll wait a million days to see you smile and say you love me too.


Thank you for reading.

Heart to heart,


A heart to heart QUOTES - Aloneness

“It is true that we are all alone.   This knowledge is devastating to many of us.   Still,   it is a fact.  We are brought into the world alone and we will,  no matter how many people love us,  have to die alone.  In between,  we will have to grow alone,  make personal decisions alone and determine our choices for change and growth,  alone.  Most of us feel  this mounting sense of aloneness all of our lives.”

Love and relating help to make the knowledge of aloneness more bearable.

So we must,  at last,  accept full responsibility for the success or failure of emerging from aloneness and our coming together in love.

We must try to better know who we are,  who the other is,  and what dynamics are required to keep us united.

Our lives are intricate patterns of relationships in which our motivations,  our desire,  our beliefs,  our needs and our dreams are intricately attached.

Know yourself and define your individuality by looking into the patterns of your relationship.

Bring someone into your life in love and feel the joy and inner happiness.   Love is all there is.

We become,  in a sense,  a part of all that we perceive.

Every people,  things,  environment,  experiences are part of our lives and sometimes we fail to realize their special roles in our thoughts and behavior.

Continue to grow in understanding and love as you change your way of seeing the world and interacting in it.

Never ever give up because whatever struggle you are in today is developing the strength you need for tomorrow.

A sincere compliment will change someone’s  perspective,  one way or the other.

Smile and whisper to yourself that “ I did it with colors”!  You were able to outsmart all those people who tried to bring you down.

Happiness comes from within and  it is a  personal choice.  Choose to be happy after all it is for free.

When you find love,  the true essence of love,  cherish it forever and a day.

Thanks for reading

Heart to heart,


Thursday, August 23, 2012

A heart to heart QUOTEs - we are beautiful

Smile you are beautiful.

Laughter is good but not at the expense of another!

Let everything be and accept it as it is.

Just say you love me,  that is all I want of you.

You are special and that is why I love you.   That is what my heart whispers as of the moment.

Who cares what people say  or think of me.  I am just ME and I do what I do and it makes me happy.

I expect nothing and I accept everything.

There is a greatness embedded in you,  just unleash it to the maximum level.

“By letting it go, it all gets done. The world is won by those who let it go.”

Just knowing that you are there and I am here loving you makes me feel good.  I am indeed happy loving you,  just loving you with all my heart, mind and soul.

“An arrow can be shot only by pulling it backward.  So when life is dragging you back with difficulties,  it means that it’s going to launch you into something GREAT.”

Just looking at you makes my heart sing for joy.

It is my choice to feel good and I will not allow negative influence to cloud my day and judgement for after all, today is a precious gift from above.

 I will choose to love and hopefully be loved and I will ask the Lord to occupy my heart with joy and happiness.  Celebrate love and friendship!

LOVE who your heart wants and not by your sight.   Who cares with time and space anyway?

Never worry about what others may think or say.  Love and be loved,  it is your love story anyway.

This love is mine not yours.  So let it be.   Let me love forever and a day.  Let me love you no matter what comes in between us.  

Thank you for the gift of friendship,  for love and care,  for well – wishes and concerns for my well – being.  For prayers and sweet hello and for everything nice words you said about me.   Your sweet words spelled a big difference in my life.  And you know why.

Instead of talking about problems,  break it gently let it go  and instead talk about love,  joy and happiness.

Living life to its fullest simply means being detached from people and things.  Of course we relate with people but don’t be too attached that when they choose to leave or go we will be downhearted.  We have to respect our individuality.

We define life and we create the world around us.

Fall in love with yourself and you will discover the true secret of happiness.

Never deny or hide your feelings because the more it shows and grows.

When it is over,  it is over.  When it is done,  it is done.  Let it be.  Let it flow.  Let it go.

“I can’t do it” never accomplished anything.  “I will try” has performed wonders.


If I have been able to see farther than others,  it was because I stood on the shoulders of giants.
Sir Isaac Newton

It is amazing how much people can get done if they don’t worry about who gets the credit.
Sandra Swinney

The man who accomplishes nothing and then stops to rest will never be a leader.
 -  Supervision

He who begins too much accomplishes little.
  – German proverb

Whatever a man can conceive and believe,  he can achieve.
`~ Napoleon Hill

A man should never be ashamed to own that he had been in the wrong which is but saying in other words that he is wiser today than he was yesterday.
~ Alexander Pope

An error gracefully acknowledged is a victory won.
~ Caroline L. Gascoigne

Our greatest business undoubtedly is not to see what lies dimly in a distance but to do what lies clearly at hand.
~ Thomas Carlyle

Action may not always bring happiness but there is no happiness without action.
~ Benjamin Disraeli

Well done is better than well said.
~Benjamin Franklin

Our acts make or mar us – we are the children of our deeds.
~ Victor Hugo

Never do a wrong thing to make a friend or to keep one.
~Robert E. Lee

Noble blood is an accident of fortune,  noble actions characterize the great.

“We are not our past. Our past reflects experiences good and bad that gave us feelings, abilities and wisdom.”

“Experiences shaped our journey and some could be hurtful, they do not define who we are, what we can be or limit where we can go.”

“We can grow our tree of life in new directions with new branches and transform in amazing ways.”

“When we release the hold of the past over us, we free ourselves to embrace the wonder of all we can be.”

Don Shapiro, author

We should be taught not to wait for inspiration to start a thing.  Action always generates inspiration .   Inspiration seldom generates action.
Frank Tibolt

What we really need is one true love,  not a perfect love.

The possibilities are numerous once we decide to act and not react.

Gloria Anzaldua

Act well at the moment and you have performed a good action to all eternity.

Johann Kaspar Lavater
Sail away from the safe harbor and explore the outside world.

Catch the trade winds in your sails.   Follow your heart.

Explore.  Dream.  Discover life because we travel on different path everyday.

Kites rise highest against the wind not with it.

Winston Churchill

Should you shield the canyons from the windstorms,  you would never see the beauty of their carvings.

Elizabeth Kubler

Nothing is wrong in seeking great things.  Aim high and chase your dreams.

Thanks for reading...

Heart to heart,


Monday, August 20, 2012

A heart to heart QUOTES - be thankful

Be thankful that we live another day or we may just fade away.

Be thankful that behind every storm is surely the rainbow of hope and sunshine.

Be thankful for our mistakes,  because life would be so boring if we were all perfect.

Be thankful for stress so that we can be reminded to relax and put variety in our lives.

Have a thousand and one reasons to be thankful.  The Lord is good all the time.

Yes,  life goes on but as of the moment all I need is love,  understanding and space.

No matter how many times you break down there is always that power embedded in you to get up and start all over again. Yes, there is so stand up and face the world anew.

Accept the things you can’t change.  If you can and want to change them,  do it. Learn to accept whatever resistance to change that comes your way.

Let go of the people who are holding you down.  But do it gently, if possible.

Go for a run.  A nice, long run.  Run until you feel good.  Let go of all negativity by way of sweating it out.

Write down everything you don’t like about yourself.  Rip it up and burn it.  Face the new world with a big smile.

Call someone you love.  Just hearing their voice can make your day better. Dear someone,  I do miss you.

Smile at stranger.  It will make both of you smile.  Smile is a universal language and it comes for free.

Sing at the top of your lungs,  dancing as you go.  Just do it and feel good no matter how out of tune.  What matters is you sing and dance once and for all.

Send an anonymous compliment instead of complaints.  All complaints expired yesterday.

When life gives you lemons,  you make lemonade.  Then sell it and make profit with joy and happiness.

All that is required of us is that we look into the mirror and then learn from our experiences.  Bad or good ones,  happiness or sorrow now belongs to the past but pick up those sweet moments and cherish it forever and a day.

Believe in yourself and stand tall in what you believe is right.  Whether you are unpopular or alone does not matter.  What matters is you fight for a battle worth the time and effort.

“I learned to GIVE not because I have much but because I know exactly how it feels to have NOTHING.”

"Though nothing can bring back the hour of splendor in the grass, of glory in the flower, we will grieve not but find strength in what remains behind."

Thanks for reading

Heart to heart,


A heart to heart QUOTES - Life is full surprises

Life is sometimes full of surprises.   One day you have a friend then you wake up,  there is no one there  for you anymore.   But life goes on.  We have to move on and dress up.  Anyway,  it is your show.

If someone just ignored  you for no reason at all,  then it is not your fault nor your loss.   It is that other person’s loss.    The person left a friend who could have stayed behind in fair or stormy weathers.

Trust your feelings,  take chances, find your happiness and cherish sweet memories.   Life is how we create it.

Relax and try to live in the spirit consciousness away from selfish and materialistic sense of the world. Peace ,  love,  light  and joy be ever with you in your realistic world away from  “Facebook”  which is a purely social medium and not a personal one.  Take care my friend.

( A final message from a friend for more than 2 years )

If you go away and must say goodbye to a friend ,  say it gently so as to cherish moments of togetherness.   A friend might leave but the fingerprints of love and happiness remains forever as part of sweet memories.

Life isn’t worth living,  unless lived for other people.  Live for others but never neglect someone who cares for you enough.

Treat others with the same warmth and consideration you need and see what happens.

No one can change others without their consent.

Any relationship that does not respect the individuality and choice of other cannot survive.

Closeness comes only when we have as deep a respect for the rights,  attitudes and feelings of the other as we do for our own.

If we desire to form lasting relationships with others we must start by being happy with what they are.

The only thing we can truly count upon is that we can change our behaviours in order to accommodate their abuse, thoughtlessness and cruelty.

We  can help others to change but only they can change.

Never blame your unhappiness upon others.   We are totally responsible for ourselves.
We can’t look for reasons outside of us.

Relationships are not dumping grounds for our selfishness,  egocentricity,  despair and anger.

We only grow when we assume responsibility for our own joy and happiness.

Lasting happiness and peace come from within.

When  joy and happiness are ours,  then people and happenings come and go but joy remains ours forever.

“If love is the answer,  what is the question?”

Throughout your life,  you will come to crossroads.  These are places where you are able to choose a new path to travel on.  You are at the one right now.
“For most people,  their future is determined by their past.  They become entangled in the present,  they never take the time to pull up to the 30,000 foot level and look at the forest.  All they see is the tress all around them.”

Direct verbal expression is the most effective way to communicate love.

What drives you?  Harness that passion.  Let your vision be the basis for guiding you in your business and your life.

Amazing feats can be accomplished when you focus your energy and reaching a vision that has become your motivator, the dream that fuels your action.

Nothing happens until you choose it,  and take action on it.  

Start today,  and do it now!

“Don’t get trapped in “Paralysis by Analysis” your fear to play big doesn’t serve you or anyone.”

“Better to do something imperfectly than to do nothing flawlessly”

Robert Schuller

You must implement the ideas in order to move forward,  using your vision and your values as your compass and guides.

“Everything you choose to do – or not to,  impacts  your life.  By deciding to invest in learning from expert trainers and visionaries,  you will make your vision your reality.”

Play the biggest game of your life ... NOW!

“No man is happy unless he believes he is.”

“Happiness is a man’s greatest achievement;  it is the response of his total personality to  a productive orientation toward himself and the world outside.”

“The only worth having is an earthly existence is a sense of humor.”

Never feel guilty when you are happy.  We all deserve to  be happy.

Now, all we need is to learn to laugh again.

“Laughter is the closest distance between two people.”

There is no more sure way of coming together with other human beings than through laughter.

We make our own happiness.  We define it for ourselves and experience it in our unique way.

No one can be happy for us nor tell us what should make us happy, though people will always try.

The sad fact is that we fall into Madison Avenue traps which convince us that happiness is the right drink,  the flashy automobile,  the scented deodorann,  bursting with-health cereal or the special snack food.

We never stop to think that there is nothing in this world which can be given or denied us that will bring happiness unless we decide it.

Nothing but life itself is necessary for humans to know joy and happiness.

Let your ideas and feelings be expressed freely.

When we laugh together we bypass reason and logic, as the clown does.  We speak a universal language.  We feel closer to one another.

Joy,  humor,  laughter – all are wonderful,  easily accessible tools for bringing comfort into a relationship.

Joy and happiness are simply states of mind.  As such they can help us to find creative solutions.

Joy comes into our lives when we have something to do,  something to love ,  and something to hope for.

“Live fully and with abandon.   Love totally and without fear.  Hope splendidly and never relinquish the dream.  These will help us but joy will only be ours,  when we choose it.”

Most  folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.

Abraham Lincoln.

Many a relationship has been saved by a good belly laugh.

Let go of those people who left you,  who hurt you in the past.  They are now buried in yesterday and does not belong to your future anymore.   Let it be.
“Love must be set free,  and when it comes back to you,  only then will you know real love.”

Loving you is my greatest joy.  My joy,  my happiness,  my life.

“At some time or another most all of us have known jealousy.   It is no respecter of social position,  intellectual or economic level,  or age. “

Realize that in your unwavering love for someone,  the person is free.  The person who is jealous is the a prisoner.

“Jealousy is a universal feeling,   it isn’t sick or pathological until it is acted upon.  The feeling is normal.  The behaviour it elicits is what is often irrational.”

Feeling of jealousy are not always bad.  It is often through such feelings that we acquire the necessary insight which causes us to appreciate the value of another person.

Jealous feelings can also serve to bring our neurotic needs to the surface and thus cause us to change our behavior.

Jealousy can be either good or bad,  not so much depending upon what we feel,  but what we do and how we act upon what we feel.

Jealousy doesn’t exist in a vacuum.   It is mainly aroused in active,  loving relationships with others.

The failure of our “WE” is never our failure.  Alone,  we grope for some support system.  We often find this by shifting the blame to others.

No one,  of course,  is ever destroyed by another person in this sense.

A jealous person,  or any disturbed individual,  is destroyed only from inside himself.

We are responsible for our jealousy,  no one else.  Blaming others for what we feel,  can lead nowhere.

Person who clings to jealousy destroy themselves.  They use energies for dead-end feelings which could be channeled into creative solutions.

Of course,  no one chooses to be jealous,  it simply happens.  What is important is to change the values and beliefs which created the response.

Jealousy diminishes only when we regain a feeling of worth and self-respect,  stop internalizing the problem and begin to view it objectively as something stemming from our personal demands and needs.

Loyalty in a relationship is based upon trust and respect.  It can only be offered,  never demanded.

Relationship are continually changing.  A mutual agreement to be loyal or honest will form the basis from which future trust will arise.

Loyalty is,  therefore,  a pact.  Fidelity is a pact.

Perhaps we must finally accept the fact that we can never possess another human being.

“We must learn that loving each other is to want them to be themselves – painful as it may be – with or without you.”

“If a friend or loved one want to go,  even if we device a hundred ways to try to hold on,  we will never  be successful.  And how little we value ourselves when we manipulate someone in order to keep them,  when they would rather be elsewhere.   We are better without those individuals in our lives.”

Loving Each Other – Leo Buscaglia

Don’t be afraid of jealousy.   It is a natural and normal emotion.  Everyone who cares and loves feels jealous at one time or another.   The essential decision is whether you will allow your jealousy to become an all-consuming monster,  capable of destroying you and those you love,  or become a challenge for you to grow in self-respect and personal knowledge.  The challenge will rest with you.

Loving Each Other – Leo Buscaglia

Things do not come to an end on one missed chance.  We will get more chances.

If someone leaves you,  let it go.   Over and done,   end of the story.

The moment we indulge our affections,  the earth is metamorphosed.   -  Emerson

Talk not of wasted affection.  Affection never was wasted.   -  Longfellow

THANKS for reading

Heart to heart,


Wednesday, August 15, 2012

A heart to heart QUOTES - first time in my life!

There was that moment in my life when I just woke up in the middle of the night and prayed to heavens for the right someone to come along.  Until you came and made me smile.  You made me realize that life is worth living because of you.  Because I love only you.

In times of sorrows or crisis,  ups and downs,  all we usually need are love,  understanding and space.
Sometimes the best thing that you can say to them is 'I'm here for you. or call me, if you need anything and then just give them the space they need to begin the healing process. That's usually all we need.... Love, understanding, and SPACE......
Always believe and never quit.  Live a life full of miracles and possibilities.

We can’t give what we do not have.

We can’t bring peace to the world if we are not at peace with one self.

We can’t offer love to the world if we don’t love ourselves.

Our true gift to ourselves and others lies not in what we have, but in who we are.

Never ever allow others to rain on your parade.  But if it can’t be avoided,  bring your garden, your sunshine and your one big umbrella with rainbow colors.   Hold it up high and spread it like no other.  If you just smile.

That moment when love blossoms out of nowhere.   Just like  a butterfly, it alighted on my shoulder and slowly pierced deeply into my heart.  Now my heart sighs for you,  cries for you because of this missing syndrome haunting me,  day in and day out.   Oh my love,  my only love.  Where are you now?  Can’t you feel what I feel?

“I will never let myself down, treat myself like a doormat, or make myself small so other can feel big.”

We are always on the same internal journey, no matter where we are.
Robert Earl Burton

“Our life is like a ‘season film’ filled with suspense.  When it's going to end is what we don't know.”  Always do good and live life with no regrets.

When position is lost it can be regained  but when trust is lost it's always hard to regain or it never comes back.  Let someone trust you.

Have the courage to reach out and take hold of the joy in store for you.  Always desire for a joyful   heart and happy spirit.

 Yes, I have made mistakes. I have hurt others and I have hurt myself. Cried tears and caused tears. Life didn't come with instructions.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

It does not matter where you go in life,  what you do or how much you have.  It is who you have beside you that matters most.

You hold my heart in your hands,  all yours to take care of   .... please don’t clap.

You don’t need to like or love or approve what I am doing or all about me.   It is my job and my sole ownership.

You don’t like me?  Fine!   You don’t love me?  Well and good!   You ask me why?  Because I love myself more than anything else.  I am me and I will be true to myself.

"This earth is full of imperfection;
but in the Land Beautiful no clouds come and
we can materialize the Golden Dreams of our
earth sojourn.
Only the ark of Silence can take us to that Land.
There all hearts meet in unison and wisdom;
our love is not limited by human-attachment,
for our souls greet the Spirit in one another.
If only you would take the ark of Silence, you
would reach that Land where you all want to go."
-- Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda

Don’t count your life with days and hours but my moments.   Only moments and sweet memories last forever and a day.

Love is a many splendored thing and it is the best thing that ever happened to you,  so never regret love because at that moment it was a wonderful feeling beyond compare.

We need one another and someone else needs you more than anything else.

“There is nothing on earth more beautiful to me than your smile, no sound sweeter than your laughter, no pleasure greater than holding you in my arms. I realized today that I could never live without you, stubborn little hellion that you are. In this life and the next, you’re my only hope of happiness. Tell me, sweetheart, dearest love,  how can you have reached so far inside my heart?”

In love we appreciate the similarities and respect the differences.  What is love afterall?

When you are in sorrow or despair, down or troubled  and think that nobody is there for you,  just transfer to the opposite lane and you will see there are still people who remains your true friends.

It might be stormy weather now, or raining cats and dogs,  but this won’t last forever.  Be strong and stay beautiful at any rate because sunshine always comes after the rains.

Life is a circle.  What goes up,  goes down.

 Never worry,  never fear.  It only takes you to the land of nowhere.

People can’t see what is in your heart but they can see how you react to certain situation or circumstance.  True color comes in an unguarded moments.

Happiness is collecting sweet moments and memories.

No matter how good you are,  there is someone out there criticizing you.  We simply can’t please everybody,  then so be it.   Life goes on, whether you like it or not.

Never impress people,  just express your thoughts.   Share whatever you believe in.

You can tell more about a person by what they say about others than you can by what others say about them.

Time decides who you meet in your life.

Your heart decides who you want in your life.

But behaviour decides who will stay in your life forever.

It's only the beginning now,
A pathway yet unknown;
At times the sound of other steps ...
Sometimes we walk alone.

The best beginnings of our lives
May sometimes end in sorrow;
But even on our darkest days ...
The sun will shine tomorrow.

So we must do our very best
Whatever life may bring,
And look beyond the winter chill ...
To smell the breath of spring.

Into each life will always come
A time to start anew;
A new beginning for each heart ...
As fresh as morning dew.

Although the cares of life are great
And heads are bowed so low,
The storms of life will leave behind ...
The wonder of a rainbow.

The years will never take away
Our chance to start anew;
It's only the beginning now
So dreams can still come true.

Thank you for reading,

Heart to heart,


A heart to heart QUOTE - First time in my life ( a special request from a friend for a special someone)

First time in my life I was lonely and blue.  

A special moment in my life when I just woke up in the middle of the night and prayed towards heavens for the right someone to come along. Until you came and made me smile. You made me realize that life is worth living because of you.  Then on,  I smiled in silence.

Sleepless nights I prayed for the right lady to come into to my being,  my senses and  my heart to keep.  To make her  my princess now and forever. And then there was you out of nowhere  just like a butterfly with beautiful wings,  just like a beautiful fairy touching your wand on my heart.

Realization came with rush,  there was something in you.  I saw your name and  my heart beat for joy because you are there and I am here. When I think  of you,  I feel and see the world in  a different way,  a new perspective,  another angle, a magical world of you and me.

I never felt this way since I met you .  Dreaming of a lady of substance and style like no other.  You might wonder why you of all ladies? Of all those beautiful people around me?  It is because of your beautiful heart  that shines  brightly,  the brightest star among the stars that shines on me.

Such beautiful heart and soul, makes your inner beauty exude beyond measure and compare.  Only you and you alone possess a rare beauty from within. You are the most beautiful lady  and I am crazy for you.  You are my everything,  my world,  my joy and happiness.

How I wish to live my life with you with qualities that melts my being.  Your every smile  looks like a fairy to me.  A smile that is contagious because  when you  smile it changes my mood into  magical wonders. You are my angel,  sunshine, inspiration,  a star of passion that  ignites my being.

You inner beauty exudes  in everything that you do.  Because you are you,  I learn to love you with all my heart and soul.  I need you and I wish to live my life with you. You alone is all want,  love and  care for because finally I  found my  soulmate in you.

For the first time in my  life,  I am in love ,  the only love there is. A wondrous feeling.  My mood swings if I don’t hear from you. I miss you  and totally in despair to hear your sweet words. I think of you every single minute,  night and day,   in every breath I take and  everything that I do.

I smiled when I think of you and I search for you in every nook and in every corner of my being.  I want to be honest with me,  to express what I feel because  you deserve to know what I feel deep inside me. Realize that I love you and always will,  now and forever. I love you more than words.

I need you because I love you. Be my love and be mine forever, be my soulmate because you hold the key that fits into my heart.  I feel complete with you by my side.   And when I said I love you, I am making a promise to your heart and I intend to keep that promise, forever and a day.

Thank your for reading

Heart to heart,


Monday, August 13, 2012

A heart to heart QUOTES - Life is full of moments

There is no need to drop bread crumbs to mark the path from where you came.  Seize the moment,  each  moment there is,  here and now, and let each memories of yesterdays be the beautiful background scenery in chasing your dreams.  Make it as focal point or your north star of today that is more beautiful than ever.
Savor each moment before it is gone. One day you wake and there is no one there. Enjoy while you may.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Life is so full of rich moments in every day only if you allow them. All you need is to stop and look around. Simply look around and it comes to you.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Why do I have to look for  magic,  that  magical feelings when I am it.   I am magic and I am happy.

Time waits for no one.   Rediscover love and friendship and let each moment stir your heart.

Listen to the truth that resonates from within.  Let love be your passion.

Love and life are  gifts from above.  Behold the wellspring of these gifts and celebrate.

In times of trouble,  true friends will show up and simply show their love and affection.

Be my friend now and forever.  Never walk  ahead  and direct me or influence me.   Just be you and I will just be me hand in hand.

Love, joy and success needs someone to be shared with.   Joy divides within relationship.

Be a friend  with oneself.  Discover your inner happiness because you can’t be friend to anybody if you are not at peace with yourself.

If there is no  love you may encounter problems in the future.  The problem now is the absence of true and everlasting love.  Love while you may and enjoy every single minute there is.

Friends are two souls in one body looking at the same direction.

Cherish your best friends.  If you fail,  someone will lift you up and bring their sunshine along the way.

Friends are  better than wicked relatives.

If you have one best friend, you indeed found a treasure.  Cherish it and never take it for granted.

A real love wants the other person’s well – being.

Share your love,  give it away and never withhold it.  Love is not love until you give away.

You are beautiful and pleasing.   Just be you.

Never ignore someone.   It hurts.

Self-love will impair one’s judgment.

Love is a powerful force.   It shows in everything that we do.

No matter how  much good we accomplish,  if there is no love,  it becomes futile.

Love is essential in everything that we do otherwise all efforts are in vain.

Aim for GOLD  all in GOD’s glory.

"I don't confuse greatness with perfection. To be great anyhow is the higher achievement."

Lois McMaster Bujold

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Only allow deposits in your love bank instead of withdrawals  to remain in positive balance with your special love account.

Be a woman of substance.   Embrace  and celebrate womanhood.   Be proud to be woman and empower yourself.

That special moment when you want to utter “ I LOVE YOU” but choose to say it not due to wounded pride.  Oh,  what a feeling!!

Think of those who can’t speak instead of saying unkind words.

Some have nothing to eat on their tables so never complain about the food.

Many die young and don’t have the privilege of growing old so don’t complain about LIFE.  Enjoy while you may.

Think of those jobless ,  the disabled,  those who wish they had your job,  instead of thinking of giving up your job because you are too tired of working.

Paint a smile on your face and give thanks for you are still around in this beautiful world.  Don’t allow sad thoughts to pull you down.   If you just SMILE.

Life is a gift,  live it well with no regrets.

“Love has hands to help others.  It has feet to hasten to the needy.   It has eyes to see the misery of the people.  It has ears to hear the sighs and sorrow of others. “

The greatest gift lies not on the material things we receive but on the LOVE, JOY, and HOPE we share.  Keep well.

Smile in spite of tears.

Carry on when you feel like giving in.

Pray when you are lost for words.

Understand when nothing seems to make sense.

Listen when you would rather not hear.
Anything is possible because God makes it so.

Deliver your speeches in spite of fears.

Today is yours,  all yours.  Work on it.

No matter how dark the day or night, a simple smile can brighten it up and make even the most unbearable times "bearable".   (thanks John Rogers)

And that precious moment when your special someone said “ please come here because I want to kiss you from time to time” ,  and all you said is “thanks” because of a broken heart still trying to recover.

“Grudges are for those who insist that they are owed something; forgiveness, however, is for those who are substantial enough to move on.”

“If you knew your potential to feel good, you would ask no one to be different so that you can feel good. You would free yourself of all of that cumbersome impossibility of needing to control the world, or control your mate, or control your child. You are the only one who creates your reality. For no one else can think for you, no one else can do it. It is only you, every bit of it you.”

“True forgiveness is when you can say, "Thank you for that experience.”
 ~Oprah Winfrey

“Keep in mind, hurting people often hurt other people as a result of their own pain. If somebody is rude and inconsiderate, you can almost be certain that they have some unresolved issues inside. They have some major problems, anger, resentment, or some heartache they are trying to cope with or overcome. The last thing they need is for you to make matters worse by responding angrily.”
~ Joel Osteen

Never allow anyone to break your soul.  You are in control.

Take care of yourself and stand on your feet and face trials and obstacles in life.

Others will go out of their ways to see you fail.   Never despair,  instead prove them wrong.  MOVE forward and win your battles in life.

Never give others the satisfaction and joy of seeing you fail.  Awaken the lion in you and fight for what is right and do the things you believe in.  Keep roaring!

Put a smile on your face and stand and fight for what you believe in.  Don’t mind others who find satisfaction if you fail.  Prove them wrong.

Comparison is a slow killer of our self-esteem and contentment.
Comparing yourself to others is a foolish behavior that will bring you to discouragement and self-pity.
Let’s face it - we are all different in so many ways.
Everyone also wants or wishes to have what other people own. There’s no end to this delusion that people hope to be better off than others.  Stop coping up with the JONESES to avoid disappointments.

We are all unique and precious as we are!

That very moment on when after months of saying “ I LOVE YOU”,   realization came with a rush that you love that special someone even more than words.  But what about time, space and distance in between your being?  Does it really matter?  Only time can tell.  Only in real time but as of the moment,  let love fly the distance.

"I am worthy of forgiveness.  I accept the forgiveness of others and I forgive myself."


I can do it.  I will do it.   Yes, I did it!!!!!  A pat on my shoulder for doing great.

You are your own magic.  Embrace it.

There is no written guarantee for tomorrow so never pass a chance to say “ I LOVE YOU” to your special someone before any regrets.

All  that can't be changed are "memories", the rest will just be lost or soon disappear.

That moment  you called your special someone and said “ I LOVE YOU”  three times only to hear a deafening silence.   Hoping against hope that those three precious words  echoes back  but in vain. What a feeling of despair with wounded ego.

Life is better when you are happy.  But life is at its best when others are happy because of you.

Be faithful in touching others’ heart.  Be an inspiration,

Whatever our hands touch,  we leave fingerprints.  As we touch others’ lives we leave our identity.

Thanks for reading

Heart to heart,


Saturday, August 11, 2012

A heart to heart QUOTES on trust and forgiveness

When I love, I love and when I said I miss you,  I meant it.

Heart to heart,   MGV

I told you I love you.   It was for real and not for fun.   I’ve never felt this way before and just hoping against hope that you will take care of it.   I love you and always will.

Heart to heart,  MGV

“You can never fail at being you.”

“Your inner beauty never needs make – up.”

“Love endures all things.”

“Every time you speak your mind is on parade.”

“I am not  a perfect person,  I make a lot of mistakes but still I love those people who stay with me after knowing how I really am.”

“Don ‘t be concerned about what you can get from a relationship.   Instead,  concern yourself with what you can bring to it.”

“Stop playing games.   A growing relationship can only be nurtured by genuineness.”

“Even though you are only half of a relationship,  you must  remain a whole person,  apart from the relationship.”
“The creating of anything worthwhile takes patience and energy.”

“Forming good relationships takes a lot of looking.   But looking can be fun.”

“Remember that moral and spiritual values don’t restrict,  they protect.”

“Keep laughing.   It exercises your heart and protects you from cardiac problems.”

“Perhaps it’s not too bad to do some things you’d rather not if it makes another happy.”

“What you learn about yourself will  infinitely help in trying to understand others.”

“See problems as small miracles which can bring about knowledge and change.”

“Even though maintaining your integrity as a person,  strive to make yourself one with another.   You can do this best if you make each one THE ONE.”

“Don’t fall in love with love,  you’ll drown in its complexities.”

“Be polite.   Love does not give license for rudeness.”

“Don’t allow your relationships to die of neglect.”

“When you get angry with someone it might be well to stop and consider all the things you like about them before you respond.”

“You are at the center of all your relationships,  therefore you are responsible for your self-esteem,  growth,  happiness and fulfilment.   Don’t expect the other person to bring you these things.  You must live as if you are alone and others are gift offered to help you to enrich your life.”

“If I were living with me,  would I want to stay around?”

Know yourself.  Be in touch with the secret of yourself.

Stop doing things you don’t want to do or being uncomfortable with.   Trust your instincts and just be YOU.

Say what your mean and don’t be afraid to say YES or NO.

Stop people pleasing because you can’t please everybody.  Follow your inspirations and be kind to yourself.

CHANGE yourself instead of your world.

I love you.   I feel like a princess and you are my prince charming when I am with you.

Words are powerful.  Words have energy.   I love to play with words  but PLEASE be gentle with your tongue lest it hurts.

If you love and get hurt, love more.
If you love more and hurt more, love even more.
If you love even more and get hurt even more, love some more until it hurts no more...

~ William Shakespeare
From special someone
I need to know more about me,  about myself.   I belong to myself and I am complete without you.

" What you pay attention to makes the energy go there and increases as long you are there in your mind and thought.   Be aware of what choice you do."

“Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you.”

Love is all you need to carry on.   Never let go if your heart says NO.

I long to say “I love you”.  But you love me no more so I have to hold my words otherwise I will  be hurt.  You never reciprocate  those words  but  someday  you will realize,  my love will see you through.

“When someone leaves, it's because someone else is about to arrive.”  

― Paulo Coelho, The Zahir

“Sometimes your nearness takes my breath away;  and all the things I want to say can find no voice. Then, in silence, I can only hope my eyes will speak my heart.”
From  someone special ...

“Sharing is so important to loving communication.  Sharing stops when you realize that someone is not listening or caring,  and the sad part is that we are not given a second chance.”

Sometimes we communicate through action.  Action speaks louder than words.

If you love me then show me.  Just don’t talk about it but show it in action.

Do loving things for each other.  Be considerate.
Put your feelings into action   Love is an action word.

Create your own love holidays to celebrate and don’t just wait for Valentine’s day.   Let everyday be a Valentine’s Day with your special someone.

A  new language of love can shift our paradigm.  Show me that you love me,  show me that you care.

Tell your special someone often that you really love and care through your words,  your actions and your gestures.

Don’t assume that I know you love me.  Show me and tell me more often.  I need to know more than anyone else.

Don’t take the simple things your special someone is doing for granted.  Positive reinforcement and appreciation  makes a relationship even stronger.

Let me know when you feel low or lonely or misunderstood.  It will make me stronger to know I have the power to comfort you.  Feelings, unverbalized,  can be destructive.

Remember,  though I love you,  I still can’t always read your mind.   Can you read my mind??

Express joyous thoughts and feelings.   They bring vitality to a relationship.

Give gifts of love without reason and  verbalize your happiness.

“When you respond to me so I feel special,  it will make up for all those who,  during the day,  have passed me up without seeing me.”

“Don’t invalidate my being by telling me that what I see or feel is insignificant or not real.   If I see and feel it  - for me – it’s my experience and therefore important and real!”

“Listen to me without judgment or preconception.  Being heard,  like being seen,  is vital.   If you truly see me and hear me as I am at the moment it is a continued affirmation of my being as we help each other to change.”

Touch me.   Hold me.  Hug me.  My physical self is revitalized by loving nonverbal communication.

“Respect my silences.  Alternatives for my problems,  creativity,  and my spiritual needs are most often realized in moments of quiet.”

“Let others know you value me.  Public affirmation of our love makes me feel special and proud.  It is good to share the joy of our relationship with others.”

Saying “I LOVE YOU” to your special someone,   is a cornerstone of a healthy loving relationship.

Whenever I express my innermost feelings and say “ I LOVE YOU” ,  it makes up the most beautiful sounds in the world!!   I love you with passion,  my only love,  now and forever.

Never manipulate or prevent your special someone from discovering “real thoughts and real feelings.”

Only the truth can help us feel secure.

Only the truth can bring us the necessary trust needed for long – lasting relationships.

Only truth,  painful though it may sometimes be,  can create a safe environment of unity and growth.

Truth with a capital “T”  is difficult.   Still it is at the core of a loving relationship.

Where  there is no trust there can be no love.

Lie or not to lie?

The truth must be our goal,  no matter where it leads us.

Truth in a relationship should begin at the start.

Sometimes I keep my distance – an aggressive act to avoid an invasion of privacy,  a trespass into someone else’s space.

Some people may feel it is better not to know than to have to face the anxiety and pain that truth might bring.

Others will want nothing but the truth,  but still hope the truth to be offered lovingly.

Truth can be communicated gently.

We must be willing to accept the fact that we may fall from truth from time to time.

If we want our relationship to last and to grow,  honesty and truth must be our inevitable goal.

"I see forever when I look in your eyes
 You're all I ever wanted I always want you to be mine
Let's make a promise 'till the end of time
 We'll always be together.”

From special someone ...

“You are the only one person I want to be with for the rest of my life and grow old with. I love you my sweet heart i love you more and more “ ♥

From special someone

I love you so much.  You know that because I have been telling you almost everyday.    Sometimes you said you love me or you miss me  but it is not enough.   Now you take me for granted,  you set  me aside,  you push me to the bench.    I do believe in unconditional love,  but my heart has limits.  If loving you only means pain, hurt, despair or missing you to the highest level, for wanting to see or feel your presence,  then I have to follow my ultimate instinct.   To set you free,  to let go of you and  wish you all the best,  even if my heart say NO NO NO NO please.

In every tear is a smile.  Someone might made you cry in the past,  but someone will make you smile in the present moment.

So many choices at hand.  Choose the best among the best that leads to love , peace and harmony.

Create your present moment different from yesterday.   If you cried last night,  start your day with sunshine in your heart and mind.   Face the world with rainbow colors and parade the fresh garden in YOU.

Don't let your past write the story of your future.  Start writing it now with your own free – will and never be influenced by others to edit the manuscript.   Read it,  rewrite and face your new chapter heads up!

“Tomorrow is a blank page that we can author today, for our thoughts
and actions are the script writers, casting department and the director
of the story we write daily on the pages of our perception.”

If you can’t love me the way I love you,  if you are not capable of loving, I might as well let you go.  There is no point of holding on to someone who does not even care to say hi or hello.  Just let me be and never disturb me with your abusive words.    All the best for you and now I will take care of myself – only me.  It is now between me and myself to face the future eyeball to eyeball.

Our experiences are the lens through which we view life.

Own your problems and feelings.  It would be the best year of your life.  Be yourself.

“Forgiveness is letting what was,  be gone;  What will be,  come;  What is now, be.”

“Unless we are able to forget the past,  we’ll never be free of its power to reawaken hate and pain.”

“Our need is to learn from wrongs,  then, having become wiser,  let them go and move forward into tomorrow.”

“Let go.  Why do you cling to the pain?”

“There is nothing you can do about the wrongs of yesterday.  It is not yours to judge.”

“Why hold on to the very things which  keeps you from hope and love?”

“Judge not.  Try to understand and have empathy strengthened with compassion;  then forgiving is easy.”

“It is the forgiver who is freed in forgiving.”

“Leave judgment and revenge to heaven.”

When you feel love there is only love  - You.

Thanks for reading

Heart to heart,


Friday, August 10, 2012

A heart to heart QUOTE - a let go message.

Dear special someone,

If you can’t love me the way I love you,  if you are not capable of loving me anymore, I might as well let you go.  There is no point of holding on to someone who does not even care to say hi or hello.  Just let me be and never disturb me with your abusive words.    All the best for you and now I will take care of myself – only me.  It is now between me and myself to face the future eyeball to eyeball.

Our experiences are the lens through which we view life.

Heart to heart,


A heart to heart QUOTE - message for someone special.

My dear special someone,

I love you so much.  You know that because I have been telling you almost everyday.    Sometimes you said you love me or you miss me  but it is not enough.   Now you take me for granted,  you set  me aside,  you push me to the bench.    I do believe in unconditional love,  but my heart has limits.  If loving you only means pain, hurt, despair or missing you to the highest level, for wanting to see or feel your presence,  then I have to follow my ultimate instinct.   To set you free,  to let go of you and  wish you all the best,  even if my heart say NO NO NO NO please.

I love you and always will.

Heart to heart,


Wednesday, August 8, 2012

A heart to heart QUOTES - never allow others to make you an OPTION

"Never let someone  be your priority, while you remain their option.”

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

“When I shut my mouth and turn and walk away,  it does not mean you have won.   It means you are not worthy of my time anymore.”

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

How you speak to yourself changes everything.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Be non-judgemental.  Listen with an open mind.  When listening,  put yourself in that person’s shoes.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Practice silence/solitude to enable you to listen not only to the voices but also to the feelings of others.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Listen with patience and love and a positive mind.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Speak softly;  speak sweetly,  speak less.   Listen more,  so as not to impose your authority over others.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Amidst the chaos of negativity,  listen to the cry of attention and understanding.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Some people find it difficult to express their feelings.  We have to respect their rights to privacy.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Accept the fact that everyone is entitled to his/her opinion,  which can also be valid.

 Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

When someone starts doing things differently,  he/she is trying to communicate something.   Listen with attention.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Be sensitive to vibrations/feelings, which sometimes can convey a message louder than words.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Listen with your ears and understand with your heart.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Share your time and material resources with others.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Share your virtues, patience,  love, mercy, happiness.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Share your inspiration with others so that they are inspired.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Share your enthusiasm and knowledge with others.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Give you support to others in times of need by being sincere and honest.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Share good news to generate positive energy.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Share to ease burden of others.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Help others overcome their limitations or handicaps.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Share a joke to create lightness and easiness.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Culture is about how we live our lives;  how we think,  speak and behave.  When we do all these with positive values,  then we live a culture of peace.   It brings benefit to the self and others.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Peace means much more that the absence of war.  Peace is considered as a set of values, attitudes and modes of behavior promoting the peaceful settlement of conflict and the quest for mutual understanding.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Peace is a way of being,  doing and living in society that can be taught,  developed,  and best of all,  improved upon.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Peace is living in harmony amidst diversity where and when we adopt a common platform of positive values.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Peace is not the absence of conflict,  but requires a positive,  dynamic, participatory process where dialogue is encouraged and conflicts are solved in a spirit of mutual understanding and cooperation.   The power of PEACE is to change future headlines from “Violence Increases, Again”  to  “Violence Diminishes.”

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Love never dies.  “And if it all falls apart, I will know deep in my heart,  the only dream that mattered had come true.    In this life, I was loved by you. “   -Colin Raye

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

"You can never realize the importance of something until it is gone"... but others say "It will never be gone unless you give importance to it."

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

My heart belong to you,  only YOU.    Please handle it with care  because I love you.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

If you go away it would be ok.   You lost someone who loves you and I lost someone who does not love me.   Better to know earlier than to live with regrets.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

I love you and I wish you joy and happiness even if it is not with me.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Have mercy for yourself.  Realize that we all make mistakes so learn to forgive yourself as you forgive others.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Promise not to get irritated for at least once a week and don’t be angry at least during the morning.  It is alright to be angry but in proper place and time.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Speak sweetly/softly/politely to reduce the force of words.  Words have energy and it can break or make a person’s future.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Declare truce with your enemies and try to make them your friends again.   Yes this is difficult but it is worth a try.    Or at least be civil with each other.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Try to remove all words of violence from your vocabulary and enable others to share their thoughts and ideas without fear of discrimination or reprisal.  Share your thoughts and ideas.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Practice active non-violence,  rejecting in all its forms:  physical, sexual,  phychological,  economical and social,  in particular towards the most deprived and vulnerable such as children and adolescent.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

“When you truly love someone,  you don’t look for faults.   You don’t look for answers.   You don’t look for mistakes.   Instead you fight for the mistakes.   You accept the faults.  And you overlook excuses.”

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Loving you was a dream come true,   In my life,  I could say those moments you shared with me was my heaven on earth.  Now you left me for a petty cause and I am in my worst nightmare once again.   But I still love you and always will.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Happiness as light as air.
Friends as solid as diamonds
And success as bright as gold.
These are my wishes for you today and everyday!!!
(from someone)
Make new friends but keep the old.   One is silver and the other is gold.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave,   impossible to forget.
G. Randolf


Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

It takes a year to make a friend,  but you can lose one in an hour.
Chinese Proverb

“STAY” is a charming word in a friend’s vocabulary.
Amos Bronson Alcott


Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Two persons cannot long be friends if they cannot forgive each other’s failings.

Jeande la Bruyere


Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

A friend is a gift you give yourself.
Robert Louis Stevenson

The most difficult thing to explain in life is the simplest truth called love.

Ramanathan Srinivasan

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥
As we have explained,  in first love the soul is taken long before the body;  later the body is taken long before the soul;  sometimes the soul is not taken at all.

Victor Hugo

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

 Love cannot endure indifference.  It needs to be wanted.   Like a lamp,  it needs to be fed out of the oil of another's heart,   or its flame burns low.

Henry Ward Beecher

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

 Love is when you look into someone's eyes and go all the way inside; to their soul and you both know... instantly!

 Angela Chase

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Find the person who will love you because of your differences and not in spite of them and you have found a lover for life.

Leo Buscaglia

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

“A friend is a gift you give yourself.”

Robert Louis Stevenson

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

I have one best friend in this world.  She never left me nor forsake me.  She loves me despite our petty misunderstandings and quarrels in the past.  She has forgiven me of all my temperaments and moods in the past.  She is so generous  and thoughtful.  She never ever forgets my birthdays.  What a friend, a best friend and I am so blessed to have her in my life.   You ask me who?  Of course my one and only sister “LOVE JOY.”


Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥
“Someday we will forget the hurt,  the reason we cried and who caused us pain.  We will finally realize that the secret of being free is not revenge.  But letting things unfold in their own way and own time.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

After all what matters is not the first,  but the last chapter of our life which shows how well we ran the race.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

So smile,  laugh and forgive.  Believe and love all over again.”

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Respect is earned not given.  Take good care of it.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Living within your means is a major key to enjoying your wealth without becoming materialistic and bound by debt and the need for more.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

NEVER blame failures,  decisions,  and your emotional responses on other people.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Never resent being manipulated by people who try to influence you.   Just do what makes you happy and be able to discern right from wrong.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Never procrastinate and then make decisions even without input from others.   When you decide,  never worry about how the others will respond.  Own you decision.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

When we ignore our free will,  we sacrifice numerous opportunities to step out on faith,  stand up for what is right,  and take life by the horns.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

The person who has relinquished the power to choose just either be satisfied with the leftovers or find someone on whose coat tails he or she can ride into glory.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Realize that we have within reach the solution to make of our self-induced problems.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Bowing to peer pressure is little more that giving up our will power and following the will of others.  Never ever blend in.
Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Throughout life,  we are put to the test in terms of values,  character,  and priorities.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

The guilt,  humiliation,  and inner anger that follow value compromise can be unbearable.  As a result of string-pulling,  we either lower our standards or run away from them the rest of our lives.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

The problem with the blame game is that we eventually mar our self-esteem in the process,  pretending to be helpless victims as opposed to willing conspirators.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Some major regrets in life,  often traceable to the ill-effects of letting someone pull their strings.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Why do we let people pull our strings when it is self-defeating?

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Take full responsibility for your own actions.

 Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Own your core values instead of renting it.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Too much of our identity is based on social relationship,   Be your own identity.
Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

When we base our sense of value on how others respond to us,  we become vulnerable to people tides.   Like a boat without a mooring,  we go back and forth,  up and down,   depending on the nearest and strongest current of the moment.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Chameleons take on the color of their surroundings.   Low-self-esteem people meld with the present environment.  To fit in,  they compromise their values so as to win acceptance from others.

Be your own best ally and transform your mind.
Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Only you can live your life.   Other people may want you to live according to their wishes.  

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

True friends,  people who love you,  will not try to pull your strings.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Most people tend to confuse chronological age with maturity,  There is no direct correlation between time and maturation,  only the potential for it.  GROW UP.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Recognize weak moments.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

The common string-pulling conditions is when we choose to respond with anger instead of healthy,  loving communication.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Letting people pull our chains and push our buttons is most common when we are emotionally vulnerable.   Stand up and be strong in every situation/circumstance.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Over reacting often results in doing or saying things we regret later.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Take full responsibility of your attitudes and actions.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

In every situation we can choose to react or respond.  Reacting denotes string-pulling.   Responding indicates that we accept responsibility for our behaviour.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Whenever we come to a narrow or rutty area,  stir the wheels by yourself,  taking the hands of others off the wheel.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

When we let other people get their hands on our steering wheel,  we relinquish our God – given ability to exercise free will.   This often results in self – defeat.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Keep your hands on the wheel.   Seek God and others for help,  but know that the power to choose is always in you.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥
"One's philosophy is not the best expressed in words; it is expressed in the choices one makes. In the long run, we shape our lives and we shape ourselves. The process never ends until we die. And, the choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility."

Eleanor Roosevelt

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

When the chips are down,  you know who your friends are.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

I asked someone,  how can I love with passion?  The special someone said “Love and love just with love then everything with love.”   Oh how sweet!

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

“When I was young  I ran out into the fields and sprawled out onto the grass . I looked at the stars above and asked for the crescent moon to one day find my one true love.  Little did I know back then that request would be you!”

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

"PROMISE yourself….

To be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind.
To talk health, happiness, and prosperity to every person you meet.

To make all your friends feel that there is something special in them

To look at the sunny side of everything, and make your optimism come true.

To think only the best, to work only for the best, and to expect only the best.

To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own.

To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future.

To wear a cheerful countenance at all times and give every living creature you meet a smile.

To give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no time to criticize others.

To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear, and too happy to permit the presence of trouble.

To think well of yourself and to proclaim this fact to the world, not in loud words, but great deeds.

To live in faith that the whole world is on your side so long as you are true to the best that is in you."

I need not explain myself to you and you and you.  The first step towards failure is pleasing everybody.   Truth is never straight once it goes from mouth to mouth.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Be alone but don’t feel lonely.
Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

When everything is wrong,  find simple reasons to smile.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Wake up every morning without any regret from yesterday.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Life is a beautiful gift from God so enjoy it.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥


Love but don’t allow your heart to be abused.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Trust but don’t be naive.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Listen to others but don’t lose your own voice.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Give but don’t allow yourself to be used.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Happiness is a choice.   Life is not about pleasing everybody.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

“Every time you mistreat a woman,  you give up the right to be treated like a man.”

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

What you can’t change you should bear with patiently.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Thanks for reading

Heart to heart,


Tuesday, August 7, 2012

A heart to heart QUOTES on feelings.

There are moments in our lives that we think and feel rejected, forgotten, taken for granted, exploited, or even verbally abused. Maybe true, but what we think or feel or see is what we get. Let our dominant thoughts focus on happiness and love and drop all those drama modes. Don't let those ill feelings get into your heart, mind and spirit. Welcome and create a happy world. Shift your paradigm. Heart to heart, MGV

I wonder if you express your thoughts or share your feelings or letting go of  your emotions  on FACEBOOK is “engaging a behavior annoying to others”?  Is it annoying if we try our little best to share our positive outlook in life or portray a positive atmosphere instead of shouting or cursing or drama modes in our status or post?  Just a little bit confused because I think it is being stifled or a freedom is curtailed, or whatever it is. Hmmmm???  pondering...SMILE!!! MGV

Beauty is not the dress we wear, the make ups we put on our face, the pieces of jewelry that we use nor the signature things we bring but the inner beauty or the beauty from within. It radiates and it shines even in darkness. Shine for others today. Heart to heart, MGV

No matter what we do or say, we can never please everybody. It is true we can't like everybody because of some behaviors but it is a matter of our attitude towards it. Love everyone anyway and do what you think is right!  Heart to heart,  MGV

Thanks for reading.

Heart to heart,


Friday, August 3, 2012

A heart to heart QUOTES - New Attitude

PEOPLE tend to see us differently than we see ourselves.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Sometimes we find relief from the guilt we feel by putting the blame on others or on circumstances.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Never allow yourself to behave like a human doormat,  inviting others to take advantage of you.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Accept your limitations to self –forgive.  Forgive yourself.   Let it go.   Don’t  feel bad about past failures.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Self-forgiveness is different from accepting forgiveness.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

You have a difficult time making a decision when you have multiple choices.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

If you are unwilling to make a commitment better ask why?

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

If  you have turned down opportunities in the past  which you regret,   it is never too late to start all over again.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

“Consider that your life is like a computer.  When you receive a signal that there is no more room remaining on your system,  you must free up space if you hope to load any new software or files.  You have to condense your files or delete some.”

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥
When we are unwilling to edit our priorities and make room for what is more productive and effective,  we miss out on golden opportunities.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥
Even If we recognize our opportunities,  they are practically worthless unless we act on them.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Saying and doing are often very different responses.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Never fear failures.  When we have once experienced failure,  we are often reluctant to commit ourselves again.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

If we do not say yes at the right time,  we may not be able to say yes at all.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Consider time constraints on the matter at hand.   Don’t assume too much or too little.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Say yes to the right things.  The goal is not to say yes more but to say yes to the right things for the right reasons.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Never confuse materialism with wealth.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Never  buy the lie.  Be able to discern right over wrong.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Never expect satisfaction from things.  Things are just things and it won’t even make us happier.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Never miscalculate the worth of others.   Never compromise your character when you value people according to their net worth instead of their real worth.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

LIFE is worth living if you are “ to be accepted exactly as you are.  No Changes to be made to "Qualify" for affection and care.”    Yes,  no conditions in exchange for love.   (Thanks John Rogers)

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

“Easy is to hurt someone who loves you,   difficult is to heal the wounds.”

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

“Easy is to say we LOVE,  difficult is to show it everyday.”

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Color of Love lyrics

“I was lonely, I needed someone to see me through
And I was at the end of my rope
I needed someone to cut me loose
And then an angel out of the blue
Gave me the sense that I might make it through
And somehow I survived with no rhyme or reason
And now I know I’ll make it through the miracle of you”

Color of Love lyrics

“I know the color of love and it lives inside of you
I know the color of truth, it’s in the image of you
If it comes from the heart then you know that it’s true
It will color your soul like a rainbow
And the color of love is in you.”

Color of Love lyrics

“Like a bridge over troubled, troubled water
You stood beside me, stood beside me
And your love did not falter

And then the angel, the angel in you
Gave me the strength to know that I will get through
And that’s how I survived, ain’t no other reason
And now I know I’ll make it through the miracle of you”

Colour of Love lyrics

I know the color of love and it lives inside of you
I know the color of truth, it’s in the image of you
If it comes from the heart then you know that it’s true
It will color your soul like a rainbow
And the color of love is in you

Color of Love lyrics

So  I wanna thank you, I can’t thank you enough
For showing me the meaning, the meaning of true love
When I was lost and so in need you opened up your heart
When I needed you to comfort me you opened up your arms
I couldn’t face another day, you said don’t be afraid
You showed my heart the way

I know the color of love and it lives inside of you
I know the color of truth, it’s in the image of you
If it comes from the heart then you know that it’s true
It will color your soul like a rainbow
And the color of love is in you
Oh the color of you

Color of Love lyrics

"A flower can never have its own fragrance nor the sun it's own sunlight." Also, a butterfly does not even know it has a beautiful  colors of wings where people admire so much.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

If you succeed in cheating someone, don’t think that the person is a fool.    Realize that the person trusted you much more than you deserved.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Loving someone who is in a relationship with other is already an indicator that you love that person more than yourself.   That love should never be taken for granted,  because you took the risk of loving.   What more will you ask out of the relationship?

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Never play with feelings and be sure when you say “ I love you”.  Feelings and emotions are at stake if we tell a lie.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

It is not the shoes you wear but the steps you take to move on towards your dream.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Love is not always finding the right person for each other.  It is all about MOMENTS shared and cherished in our hearts.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

“You can only give your best to others if you are in touch with the best of yourself.”  We simply can’t give what we don’t have.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

You can’t squeeze water out of a dry sponge.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Move out of your comfort zone and set your self from all those negative vibrations.  Run wild and show to the world that you can do it.  BE FREE.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

I will always love you and will never stop loving you.   I will never give up on you, even if it only means in my dreams.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Be sure it is true when you say “ I love you”.  It is not good to tell a lie because you are making promises with my tender heart.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

And that moment you realized you love someone after months of saying “ I LOVE YOU” to you.  Only to wake up one day that someone left because of “reason”  so petty and unreasonable.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

“True love is,  despite being spurned repeatedly ,   you continue to fall in love with the same enthusiasm.”
(From someone)

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

The moment you realized you love someone after months of saying “ I LOVE YOU”.   Only to wake up one day you are alone.

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

“Good,  better,  best:  never let it rest until your good is better and your better is best.”

Heart to heart, MGV ♥2♥♥

Thanks for reading

Heart to heart,